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引用本文:肖 荣,杨 红.人工鱼礁建设对福建霞浦海域营养盐输运的影响[J].海洋科学,2016,40(2):94-101.
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肖 荣1, 杨 红1
上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院
根据2012年—2013年对霞浦人工鱼礁海域调查所获得的实验数据,应用CFD软件,对礁区投放的三类不同结构单位的鱼礁组合在非定常流作用下的三维流场进行了数值模拟试验, 分析了各鱼礁组合之间的流场差异, 并估算了诸营养盐垂直输送通量。研究表明: 三种鱼礁迎流面上升流最大高度为礁高的2.27~3.73倍, 上升流最大速度与来流速度之比为0.40~0.72, 上升流平均速度与来流速度之比为0.10~0.17; 计算域内单位鱼礁组合上升流平均速度为10-2 cm/s量级, 三种单位鱼礁组合区域营养盐垂直通量大小关系为: 方型鱼礁>船礁>梯形台鱼礁, 方型鱼礁区PO43--P、NO3--N、SiO32--Si的平均垂直通量分别为438.3 mg/(m2·d)、2212.5 mg/(m2·d)、7288.3 mg/(m2·d), 鱼礁投放会改善该海域的水动力环境, 形成典型的上升流区, 海域初级生产力得以明显提升。
关键词:  人工鱼礁  流场效应  数值模拟  上升流  营养盐垂直输运通量
Influence of artificial reef construction on the transportation of nutrients in the off-shore area of Xiapu, Fujian
According to research performed in Xiapu, Fujian in 2012 and 2013, computational fluid dynamics was used to simulate the water flow pattern around three different artificial reefs in terms of unsteady flow effects, and the scale and intensity of the upwelling around the artificial reefs were simulated. In addition, the differences in flow characteristics were summarized, and the vertical transport fluxes of various nutrients were estimated. The results showed that the maximum height of the upwellings was approximately 2.27–3.73 times the reef height, and the maximum and average velocities of upwelling were approximately 0.40–0.72 and 0.10–0.17 times the incoming velocity. The upwelling velocity in a computational domain of three types of artificial reef assemblages was 10-2cm/s, and the magnitude of the relationship of nutrient vertical fluxes in different assemblages wassquare reefs>ship reefs>trapezoidal reefs. The average vertical fluxes uxes of PO43--P, NO3--N, and SiO32--Si were 438.3 mg/(m2·d), 2212.5 mg/(m2·d), and 7288.3 mg/(m2·d) in the square reef area. Setting artificial reefs could improve the hydrodynamic environment and form typical upwelling areas, significantly improving primary productivity.
Key words:  artificial reef  effect of flow field  numerical simulation  upwelling  the vertical transportation flux of nutrients
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