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梁冰冰1,2, 王鸿霞1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 实验海洋生物学重点实验室;2.中国科学院大学
采用部分因子设计构建了23 个全同胞家系, 应用单性状及两性状动物模型对文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)早期不同生长发育时期的生长性状进行遗传力和相关性估计。结果表明, 文蛤附着变态期以及稚贝期生长性状的遗传力并无显著差别, 在0.11~0.41 范围内变化, 属于中等遗传力。非遗传的共同环境效应随着年龄的增长而呈现上升趋势, 由附着变态期的0.02 逐渐增加到稚贝期的0.38, 且稚贝期的共同环境效应显著大于其附着变态期(P<0.01)。壳长与壳高表型相关和遗传相关的分析结果显示, 从附着变态期到稚贝期, 壳长与壳高之间的表型相关及遗传相关都存在极显著的正相关性, 相关系数的范围分别为0.84~0.95、0.93~0.99。早期发育连续时间段生长性状之间的遗传相关均为正相关, 但并不显著, 且不同时期的遗传相关也不尽相同(0.34~0.71)。
关键词:  文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)  生长性状  动物模型  遗传参数
基金项目:国家863 计划项目(2012AA10A410); 浙江省科技计划项目(2012C12907-4 )
Genetic parameter estimation for growth traits in the early life history of Meretrix meretrix
LIANG Bing-bing,WANG Hong-xia
This study investigates the genetic parameters affecting the growth traits of Meretrix meretrix in the early stages of life-history. Twenty three full-sib families were produced using the part factorial design, and effects were estimated using the single trait and two trait animal models. The results showed that, regarding the shell length heritabilities and shell height heritabilities, there were no significant differences between metamorphosis and juvenile stages. The estimated heritabilities were arranged from 0.11 to 0.41, at a medium level. However, the common environment effects increased as the age of M. meretrix increased (from 0.02 to 0.38), and the common environment effects at the juvenile stage were significantly higher than those observed at the settlement and metamorphosis stages (P<0.01). From the metamorphosis stage to the juvenile stage, significantly positive phenotypic and genetic correlations were shown between the shell length and shell height, the correlation coefficients were 0.84~0.95 and 0.84~0.99, respectively. While the genetic correlations of the shell length between different development periods were positive, they were not significant and the correlation coefficients were different between each developmental period (0.34~0.71).
Key words:  Meretrix meretrix  growth traits  animal model  genetic parameter
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