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引用本文:许 妍,许自舟,梁 斌,洛 昊,鲍晨光,梁雅惠,马明辉.天津市滨海新区芦苇湿地恢复适宜性评价[J].海洋科学,2016,40(3):101-107.
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许 妍1, 许自舟1,2, 梁 斌1, 洛 昊1, 鲍晨光1, 梁雅惠1, 马明辉1
1.国家海洋环境监测中心;2.大连海事大学 环境科学与工程学院
利用综合评价模型, 结合地理信息系统技术的空间分析功能, 以土地利用、土壤类型、坡度、降雨量和人类干扰活动作为评价因子, 对天津滨海新区芦苇湿地恢复进行了适宜性评价。结果表明,较适宜开展湿地恢复的比例为21.46%, 一般适宜比例为21.87%, 不适宜比例占56.68%, 其中较适宜湿地恢复的区域集中分布在北大港湿地自然保护区周边、独流减河下游、北塘入海口以及沿海滩涂, 海河流域两侧也有零星分布。在适宜性评价基础上, 对未来芦苇湿地恢复与建设的重点区域进行了成效预评估, 芦苇对TC、TN、TP 的年吸收通量约为1.3935×104、0.0258×104、0.0017×104t, 能有效地减少入海排污压力和污染物对近岸海域环境质量的影响。研究结论可为天津湿地治理与生态恢复、土地利用结构调整、景观优化等提供理论依据和科学参考。
关键词:  湿地恢复  适宜性  滨海新区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(41301079); 国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金(2013125); 天津科技兴海项目(KJXH2013-17)
Suitability evaluation of reed wetland restoration in the Tianjin Binhai New Area
XU Yan,XU Zi-zhou,LIANG Bin,LUO Hao,BAO Chen-guang,LIANG Yan-hui,MA Ming-hui
In this study the evaluation of reed wetland restoration in the Tianjin Binhai New Area has been carried out using a combined comprehensive evaluation model and spatial analysis function methodology, which utilized land use, soil type, slope, rainfall and human activity as evaluation factors. It has been found that the 21.46% and 21.87% regions were suitable for developing wetland restoration, whereas the 56.68% region was not. The most suitable regions for wetland restoration were determined to be the area surrounding the Wetland Nature Reserve, the downstream area of the Duliujan River, the Beitang estuary, the coastal tidal flats in the north port, and along various locations on both sides of the Haihe River basin. Based upon the results of the suitability evaluation, we suggest key areas of future wetland restoration and construction. Reed absorption fluxes of TC, TN and TP were about 1.3935×104t, 0.0258×104t, 0.0017×104t, can effectively reduce the effects of sea pollution and contaminants on the near shore environmental quality. The results given within this study provide a scientific basis for the ecological restoration, land use structure adjustment and landscape optimization for the management of Tianjin wetland.
Key words:  Wetland restoration  suitability  Binhai New Area
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