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引用本文:计建强,汪一航,王新怡,王永刚,滕 涌.夏季黄河入海泥沙的数值模拟研究[J].海洋科学,2016,40(3):118-127.
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计建强1, 汪一航1, 王新怡2,3, 王永刚2,3, 滕 涌2,3
1.宁波大学理学院;2.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所;3.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室 区域海洋动力学和数值模拟功能实验室
掌握黄河入海泥沙输运、沉积的规律可以为渤海沿岸经济发展的规划及环境保护管理提供理论参考。本文基于FVCOM(Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model)建立了三维水动力、泥沙耦合数值模式, 利用实测水位、海流和悬沙资料, 对模式进行了检验, 模拟结果与观测符合较好。利用该模式研究了2007 年夏季丰水丰沙期黄河入海泥沙的输运过程, 并对渤海悬沙空间分布特征进行数值模拟。模式较好地再现了夏季黄河口入海泥沙的空间分布特征及底部冲淤状况。结合黄河口附近的潮流和余流特征, 对悬沙分布特征和底部冲淤结果进行了分析, 结果表明: 黄河入海泥沙随余流向南和东南方向输运到莱州湾, 在莱州湾中部向外海扩散, 很可能沿东北方向进入渤海中部。在这个输运过程中, 莱州湾表现为入海泥沙向外海扩散的通道。
关键词:  FVCOM  黄河入海泥沙  悬移输运  数值模拟
A numerical study of the transport process of Yellow River sediment in summer
JI Jian-qiang,WANG Yi-hang,WANG Xin-yi,WANG Yong-gang,TENG Yong
We established a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment coupled numerical model on the basis of FVCOM(3.1.6). The model results were validated by sea level, sea currents, and suspended sediment data, showing satisfactory agreement. A numerical study was conducted on the sediment transport process in the summer of 2007. The model results suggested that the sands carried by the Yellow River were conveyed by residue currents. The sands were transported to the Laizhou Bay in the southerly and southeasterly directions and then to the middle of the Bohai Sea.
Key words:  FVCOM  Yellow river sediment  suspended transport  numerical model
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