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引用本文:刘 潇,冯秀丽,刘 杰.港口工程影响下莱州湾西南侧海域水动力演化特征[J].海洋科学,2016,40(3):138-145.
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刘 潇1,2, 冯秀丽2, 刘 杰3
1.中国海洋大学 环境科学与工程学院;2.中国海洋大学 海地科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室;3.国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所
河流输沙、水深地形演变、大型海洋工程的建设均会对海洋水动力产生明显影响。本文基于MIKE21数值模型, 对不同时期水深岸线条件下莱州湾西南侧海域的水动力演变特征及潍坊港建设对水动力的影响进行研究。结果表明, 1984~2007年, 黄河现行河口东南侧高流速区位置向SE向移动, 莱州湾湾口及西南侧海域流速增大, 增大幅度在10cm/s左右。潍坊港10km引堤工程的建设导致引堤端头处流速增大10~20cm/s, 引堤两侧流速减小15~20cm/s, 流向偏转量在10°~40°; 潍坊港扩建工程的建设导致防波堤端头处流速增大5~20cm/s, 两侧海域流速减小5~20cm/s, 流向偏转5°~20°。黄河口沙嘴的形成对其南侧海域形成有效掩护, 而潍坊港工程的建设对其两侧海域起到一定的掩护作用, 导致该海域有效波高显著减小, 水动力强度减弱。
关键词:  海洋水动力  数值模拟  港口建设  莱州湾南岸
Hydrodynamic evolution characteristics of southwest Laizhou Bay under the effect of port construction
LIU Xiao,FENG Xiu-li,LIU Jie
Large-scale marine construction has a significant effect on the hydrodynamic environment in adjacent waters. In this paper, we report the results of our study of the hydrodynamic evolution of Laizhou Bay and the impact of Weifang port construction on the hydrodynamic environment. We used the MIKE 21 two-dimensional, depth-integrated hydrodynamic model. We found that, from 1984 to 2007, the position of a high-velocity zone located in the southeast side of the modern Yellow River estuary moved to the southeast, while the flow velocity of the mouth and the southwest side of Laizhou Bay increased by about 10 cm/s. Due to construction of the 10-km embankment of Weifang port, the flow velocity increased by 10?20 cm/s at the end of the causeway and decreased by 15?20 cm/s on both sides of the causeway. The flow velocity increased by 5?20 cm/s at the end of the breakwater and decreased by 5?20 cm/s on both sides of the port project due to the Weifang port expansion project. The formation of the Yellow River spit played a shielding role in the south-side water, and the construction of Weifang port played a shielding role in the water on both sides, leading to reduction of significant wave height.
Key words:  hydrodynamic environment  numerical simulation  harbor construction  southern Laizhou Bay
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