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引用本文:杨佰娟,郑 立,蒋凤华,孙承君.一种燃料油模拟自然风化条件下其含硫多环芳烃组分的变化[J].海洋科学,2016,40(4):81-87.
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杨佰娟1, 郑 立1,2, 蒋凤华1, 孙承君1
1.国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所 海洋生态研究中心;2.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室 海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室
以燃料油为研究对象进行室外自然风化实验(0~100 d), 探讨了含硫多环芳烃的风化规律。研究结果表明: 燃料油中二苯并噻吩系列化合物的分布特征保持相对稳定, 苯并[b]萘[2, 1-d]噻吩在短期风化时间内(0~45 d), 其相对丰度相对稳定, 经过100 d 的风化, 相对丰度逐渐降低。通过重复性限判别方法, 13个含硫多环芳烃诊断比值在风化60 d内基本稳定, 可以用于指示风化60 d内油样是否同源,诊断比值1-MDBT/DBT、C0-BNT/2-+3-MDBT、C0-BNT/1-MDBT和C3-DBT/C3-BNT在风化100 d内不稳定, 不适用于60~100 d风化油品鉴定。
关键词:  燃料油  自然风化  含硫多环芳烃  诊断比值  溢油鉴别
基金项目:国家基金委-山东省联合基金项目“海洋生态与环境科学”(U1406403); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2012G27); 国家自然科学基金(41106112); 青岛市黄岛区海洋科技专项项目(2014-4-20); 泰山学者海外创新人才基金资助
Variation of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles in fuel oil during long-term natural weathering
YANG Bai-juan,ZHENG Li,JIANG Feng-hua,SUN Cheng-jun
This study presents the changes of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles (PASH) compounds in a fuel oil sample during natural long-term weathering (0–100 days). Results show that the distribution patterns of dibenzothiophene compounds remained relatively stable after 100 days of natural weathering. However, there were slight changes in the distribution pattern of benzo[b]naphtho[1, 2-d]thiophene after this time period. The 13 diagnostic ratios of PASHs were relatively stable after 60 days natural weathering. However, the diagnostic ratios of 1-MDBT/DBT, C0-BNT/2-+3-MDBT, C0-BNT/1-MDBT, and C3-DBT/C3-BNT proved to have weak weathering-resistant capabilities under natural weathering conditions; thus, they cannot be used in the source identification of weathered oil (60–100 days).
Key words:  fuel oil  long-term natural weathering  polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles  diagnostic ratios  oil spill identification
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