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引用本文:杨学明,吴明灿,张 立,杨 琼,潘 英,陈福艳.糙海参精子的发生及超微形态结构[J].海洋科学,2016,40(5):49-56.
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杨学明1, 吴明灿2, 张 立1, 杨 琼1, 潘 英2, 陈福艳1
1.广西水产科学研究院 海水养殖研究室;2.广西大学 动物科学技术学院
为了解糙海参(Holothuria scabra)精子发生的过程及其形态结构, 作者于2013年11月~2014年4月每月采集2头海南岛的野生雄性糙海参, 取精巢组织固定后分别制作投射电镜、扫描电镜切片和石蜡包埋切片, 在电镜和光镜下连续观察。观察结果表明, 糙海参精子发生经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和成熟精子5个阶段。精细胞分化过程可分为3个时期, 早期: 细胞核前端出现前顶体囊; 中期: 顶体腔内出现围顶体物质; 后期: 胞质往尾部方向收缩, 形成精子中部。糙海参成熟精子全长约60μm, 由头部、中部和尾部3部分组成, 为典型的鞭毛型精子。精子头部呈球形,精子核中顶体形态为“U”型内陷囊状体, 围顶体物质呈“月牙”形, 核染色质凝集成团块状。精子中部由一个巨大的线粒体和中心粒复合体融合而成。精子尾部鞭毛横切面为典型的“9+2”微管结构。本研究可为糙海参的繁殖生物学和人工育苗提供理论参考。
关键词:  糙海参(Holothuria scabra)  精子发生  形态  超微结构
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31260636); 广西自治区直属公益性科研院所资助项目(GXIF-2014-008)
Spermatogenesis and sperm morphology of sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra
YANG Xue-ming,WU Ming-can,ZHANG Li,YANG Qiong,PAN Ying,CHEN Fu-yan
The wild sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra, was sampled monthly at Hainan Island from November 2014 to April 2015 to understand spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure. The testis were removed and fixed in situ to prepare histological sections. The sections were observed under a scanning electron microscope, a transmission electron microscope, and a light microscope. The results showed that spermatogenesis in H. scabra included five stages of spermatogonium, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte, spermatid and spermatozoon. Differentiation of spermatids was subdivided into three stages of early spermatid (formation of the proacrosomal vesicle at the front of the nucleus), mid-spermatid (periacrosomal material in the acrosomal cavity), late spermatid (cytoplasm shrinking and formation of flagellum) and spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon was flagellated, approximately 60 μm long, and consisted of a head, mid-piece and tail. The head was spherical, and the acrosome was a U-shaped cystid. The periacrosomal material space was crescent shaped, and the chromatin in the acrosome was condensed into a nucleus. Large mitochondria and the centriole complex were located in the mid-piece of the spermatozoon, and the flagellum in the tail had the typical “9 + 2” microtubular structure. These results will provide a theoretical reference for reproductive biology and artificial breeding of the sea cucumber.
Key words:  Holothuria scabra  spermatogenesis  morphology  ultrastructure
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