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引用本文:张武昌,赵 丽,陈 雪,赵 苑,董 逸,李海波,肖 天.海洋浮游细菌生长率和被摄食的研究综述[J].海洋科学,2016,40(5):151-158.
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张武昌1,2, 赵 丽1,2, 陈 雪1,2,3, 赵 苑1,2, 董 逸1,2, 李海波1,2,3, 肖 天1,2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室;2.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室 海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室;3.中国科学院大学
海洋浮游细菌利用海水中的溶解有机碳合成自身物质, 是海洋浮游生态系统的二次生产者。微型浮游动物是细菌的主要摄食者, 也是细菌生产向较高营养级传递的中介。研究海洋浮游细菌的生长率和被(微型浮游动物的)摄食率对理解海洋浮游生态系统的功能具有重要作用。本文综述了利用改变海水中生物类群组成(或功能)的培养方法研究海洋浮游细菌生长率和被摄食率的历程和现状, 为我国的同类研究提供借鉴。改变海水中生物类群组成(或功能)进行培养的方法有海水分粒级培养、海水稀释培养和添加选择性抑制剂培养。这些方法各有其局限性, 应用并不广泛。细菌及其主要摄食者异养鞭毛虫群落在自然海区和实验室内都有生长周期, 鞭毛虫的生长周期落后于细菌, 因此细菌的生长率有时会小于被摄食率, 有时会大于被摄食率。我国这方面的研究相对落后, 应值得引起重视, 建议从海水稀释培养法入手开展相关研究。
关键词:  海洋浮游细菌  生长率  摄食率
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41576164); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA11030202.2); 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2014CB441504)
Marine bacterioplankton growth rate and grazing on bacterioplankton by microzooplankton: a review
ZHANG Wu-chang,ZHAO Li,CHEN Xue,ZHAO Yuan,DONG Yi,LI Hai-bo,XIAO Tian
Marine bacterioplanktons are secondary producers in the marine planktonic ecosystem. They synthesize particle organic carbon from dissolved organic carbon in seawater. Microzooplanktons are the main predator of marine bacterioplanktons and are the link between bacterioplankton secondary production and higher trophic levels. Determining the growth rate of marine bacterioplankton and the rate at which they are grazed by microzooplankton is important for understanding the function of the marine planktonic ecosystem. In order to provide a reference for the initiation of such a study in our country, this review summarizes previous studies that have assessed marine bacterioplankton growth rates and microzooplankton grazing rates by changing the composition (or function) of these biological groups in seawater. These studies used three different ways to change the composition (or function) of these biological groups in seawater: seawater size-fractionation incubation, seawater dilution incubation, and biological inhibitors addition incubation. These methods were not widely used. Bacterioplanktons and flagellates have distinct growth cycles in both field and laboratory environments. The growth cycle of flagellates falls behind that of bacterioplanktons; thus, the growth rate of bacterioplanktons might be higher or lower than the grazing rate of the microzooplankton. Studies of marine bacterioplankton growth rates and microzooplankton grazing rates are rare in China. We suggested beginning our studies using the seawater dilution incubation method.
Key words:  marine bacterioplankton  growth rate  microzooplankton grazing rate
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