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引用本文:兰志刚,李新仲,肖 钢,刘 聪.海上浮式核电站温排水对海洋生态环境的影响[J].海洋科学,2016,40(6):84-88.
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兰志刚1, 李新仲1, 肖 钢1, 刘 聪1
开发海上浮式核电站, 可以有效地解决海洋工业的用能需求, 符合国家能源发展战略。海上核电冷却循环系统产生的温排水会对海洋环境本体及其生态系统产生一定的负面影响, 是环评工作关注的重点。论述了海上核电站温排水的特点, 分析了其对受纳海域水文条件、海水水质、生态环境、生物群落组成与结构等方面产生的影响, 提出了温排水的热污染控制对策。
关键词:  海上浮式核电站  温排水  海洋环境影响
基金项目:中科华核电技术研究院有限公司委托项目(20150T-004); 中海石油有限公司综合科研课题(YXKY-2014-ZY-07-MR- PMT-013)
Potential impacts of thermal discharge on marine environment from offshore floating nuclear power plant
LAN Zhi-gang,LI Xin-zhong,XIAO Gang,LIU Cong
Development of offshore floating nuclear power plants can effectively solve the energy demands of the marine industry, which is definitely in line with national energy development strategies. However, the thermal discharge generated by the cooling system of an offshore nuclear power plant would have negative impacts on the marine ecosystem and would thus be the focus of an environmental impact assessment. This article discusses the characteristics of thermal discharge from offshore nuclear power plants; analyzes its impact on the receiving water body with respect to hydrological conditions, water quality, ecosystems, and the composition and structure of biological communities; and proposes control measures for preventing or limiting the impacts of thermal discharge.
Key words:  offshore floating nuclear power plant  thermal discharge  environmental impact
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