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引用本文:李景瑞,刘升发,吴建政,冯秀丽,孙兴全,曹 鹏,王宇童,石学法.孟加拉扇沉积作用与古气候研究进展[J].海洋科学,2016,40(6):139-157.
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李景瑞1,2, 刘升发2,3, 吴建政1, 冯秀丽1, 孙兴全1, 曹 鹏2, 王宇童4, 石学法2,3
1.中国海洋大学 海洋地球科学学院, 海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室;2.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所, 海洋沉积与环境地质国家海洋局重点实验室;3.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室, 海洋地质过程与环境功能实验室;4.青岛二中
“气候-构造-沉积”耦合问题是全球变化研究的重要内容, 孟加拉深海扇作为世界第一大浊积扇,沉积物主要来自喜马拉雅山及青藏高原的侵蚀物质, 且处于亚洲两大季风区之一的印度季风区, 是研究三者相互关系的天然实验室。通过总结该区前人研究成果, 对孟加拉扇沉积作用与古气候研究现状进行了综述, 提出了该区尚存争议的主要科学问题并展望了今后的研究方向。研究认为, 除来自喜马拉雅山和青藏高原的物质外, 孟加拉扇还受到印度、东南亚大陆等源区的影响, 另外还有少量生物沉积和火山来源物质等。孟加拉扇沉积物以细粒物质为主, 扇体表面遍布浊流通道。浊流和等深流是孟加拉扇主要的沉积动力机制。目前对孟加拉扇扇体沉积模式及其在青藏高原隆升、孟加拉扇“源-汇”过程、“气候-构造-沉积”耦合研究中的作用仍存在不同见解, 尚需更加深入的研究。
关键词:  孟加拉扇  高原隆升  印度季风  “源-汇”  沉积记录
基金项目:全球变化与海气相互作用专项(GASI-02-IND-CJ02, GASIGEOGE-03, GASI-GEOGE-06-03); 国家自然科学基金(U1606401)
Advances in studies of sedimentation and paleoclimatology in the Bay of Bengal
LI Jing-rui,LIU Sheng-fa,WU Jian-zheng,FENG Xiu-li,SUN Xing-quan,CAO Peng,WANG Yu-tong,SHI Xue-fa
“Climate-tectonic-sedimentation” (CTS) coupling is an important contributor to global variation. As the biggest submarine fan in the world, the Bengal Fan mainly bears sediments from the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau and is located in one of the Asian Monsoon areas—Indian Monsoon. Thus the Bengal Fan is a natural laboratory for studying the coupling relationship of CTS. By referring to previous achievements, this paper summarizes research in sedimentation and the paleoclimate pertaining to the Bengal Fan, then clarifies the main scientific issues including those that are controversial, and outlines future directions. In addition to the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, other provenances such as the India Peninsular and Southeast Asia also contribute to the Bengal Fan, with minor materials from biological processes and volcanism to the Bengal Fan. Sediments of the Bengal Fan are mostly fine-grained, and the surface is covered with turbidity channels. Studies of turbidity and contour currents are important pointers for the sedimentology of this area. Many studies have been conducted using a sedimentary model and accompanied by discussion and debate, and studies have also been conducted on Tibetan Plateau–Bengal Fan source-sink processes, CTS coupling and monsoon evolution especially during the Quatemary and its controlling factors. However, all ideas require further research.
Key words:  Bengal Fan  plateau uplift  Indian Monsoon  source- sink  sedimentary record
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