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引用本文:谷洋洋,刘 冰,杜 虹,张允允,秦 松.高纯度藻胆蛋白的分离纯化研究进展[J].海洋科学,2016,40(7):170-177.
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谷洋洋1, 刘 冰2, 杜 虹1, 张允允2, 秦 松2
1.汕头大学 理学院生物系;2.中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所
藻胆蛋白在食品、化妆品等领域中具有广泛的应用前景, 同时也可以作为医学研究中的荧光标记物和氧化应激疾病的潜在治疗药物。高纯度藻胆蛋白的分离纯化一直是国内外的研究热点。目前, 蓝藻中的螺旋藻和红藻中的微藻紫球藻是研究较多的材料, 龙须菜近年来的广泛种植, 扩大了原材料的来源。藻胆蛋白的粗提主要是由物理破碎和化学沉淀组成, 破碎的方法因原料的不同而具有一定的差异。高纯度的藻胆蛋白获取主要是通过离子交换, 疏水层析等方法, 这些方法耗时长, 回收率低; 双水相萃取, 利凡诺沉淀, 壳聚糖和活性碳吸附沉淀为人们分离纯化藻胆蛋白提供了新的思路。
关键词:  藻胆蛋白  提取原料  粗提  分离纯化
基金项目:海洋公益性行业科研专项经费资助(200905021, 201105008-9, 201205027); 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作项目(2011A090100040)
The research progress on isolation and purification of highpurified phycobiliprotein
GU Yang-yang,LIU Bing,DU Hong,ZHANG Yun-yun,QIN Song
Phycobiliprotein has promising applications in nutrient ingredient and natural color for food and cosmetics. It is also used as potential therapeutic agent in oxidative stress-induced diseases and as fluorescent markers in biomedical research. Recently, more and more reseachs are concentrated on isolation and purification of high-purified phycobiliprotein. Currently, Spirulina platensis and Porphyridium cruentum are used primarily to extract phycobiliprotein. The extensive cultivation of Gracilaria lemaneiformis expanded the sources of raw materials. Crude extract of phycobiliprotein is used by physical fragmentation and chemical deposition. Several methods have been developed for purification of phycobiliprotein such as ion exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. However, theses methods are time consuming and the recovery of phycobiliprotein is low. Aqueous two phase extraction, rivanol precipitation, chitosan-active carbon adsorption and precipitation are the potential purification techniques.
Key words:  phycobiliprotein  raw material  crude extract  isolation and purification
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