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鲁东大学 资源与环境工程学院
基于SRTM3_DEM、RS数据分析, 结合野外调查和前人研究结果, 作者对莱州湾东岸临海冲积-海积小平原的地貌特征及地貌发育进行了研究。研究表明: 研究区的海岸地貌结构存在横向上的沙坝-潟湖体系以及纵向上的连岛沙坝-潟湖系统; 入海河流下游具有系统性的弯曲特征, 其与横向上的沙坝-潟湖体系相对应, 是自全新世中期以来海岸带陆海相互作用最显著的河流地貌标志; 基于DEM的水文分析显示: 研究区西部存在自南而北和自东向西的地势倾斜, 王河流域与自东向西的王河下游古河道相对应, 现今河道及古河道从DEM 中以不同阈值提取的河网得到表达。
关键词:  DEM  河流地貌  沙坝-潟湖系统  全新世  莱州湾
Dynamic geomorphological response to land–sea interaction on the eastern coast, Laizhou Bay
DU Guo-yun
Based on SRTM3_DEM and RS analyses, field survey data and previous studies, this study examines the geomorphic features and landform growth of the coastal alluvial marine plain on the east coast of Laizhou Bay. The results show that the geomorphologic structure of the coast occurs as a barrier-lagoon system in the transverse direction and a tombolo-lagoon system in the longitudinal direction. Systematic bending characteristics occur in the downstream channels of the rivers as they enter the sea, which correspond with the barrier-lagoon system. This is the most significant sign of fluvial geomorphological response to coastal land-ocean interaction since the mid-Holocene. Hydrologic analysis of the DEM shows that the terrain inclines in two directions, from east to west and south to north, and the watershed extraction from the Wanghe river corresponds to the watershed extraction downstream of the Wanghe paleochannel from east to west. This results in the expression of the current channel and paleochannel manifesting by different threshold values.
Key words:  DEM  river geomorphology  barrier–lagoon system  Holocene  Laizhou Bay
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