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引用本文:白玉川,洪育超,王 勇,徐海珏,陆婷婷,苏俐珊.概念性河口及长江口淤积机制分析模拟[J].海洋科学,2016,40(8):138-149.
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白玉川1, 洪育超1, 王 勇2, 徐海珏1, 陆婷婷3, 苏俐珊1
1.天津大学 水利仿真与安全国家重点实验室;2.南通滨海园区港口发展有限公司;3.南通大学 交通学院
为了探求河口淤积原因, 从概念河口的角度出发, 通过概化河口形态建立概念性河口模型, 以二维水沙数学模型为工具, 模拟分析了5种河口淤积机制; 建立了长江口水沙二维数学模型, 对长江口区域水沙特征及淤积状况进行了模拟分析。研究表明, 建立概念性河口有助于研究不同形式河口的淤积机制, 对于长江口水域, 其不同区域淤积机制不一, 其治理措施也应有所区别, 找出河口不同区域起主导作用的泥沙淤积机制, 有利于人们更合理地治理河口。
关键词:  概念性河口  淤积机制  长江口  二维数值模拟
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41576093, 51279124); 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体基金(51321065)
Simulation of deposition mechanisms in the Yangtze River and conceptual estuaries
BAI Yu-chuan,HONG Yu-chao,WANG Yong,XU Hai-jue,LU Ting-ting,SU Li-shan
To identify the reasons for deposition in estuaries, we first establish a two-dimensional mathematical model of flow and suspended sediment transport in the Yangtze River and conceptual estuaries by generalizing estuarine morphology; next, we simulate and analyze five types of deposition mechanism in the conceptual estuaries; then, we simulate the hydrodynamic characteristics of the flow and sediments and discuss reasons for deposition in the Yangtze River Estuary. It can be safely concluded that the establishment of the model of conceptual estuaries contributed to the understanding of the deposition mechanism in different estuaries. In the Yangtze River Estuary, the deposition mechanisms in different reaches vary; therefore, appropriate measures should be taken during any engineering work. This research can help the efficient use of estuaries as a resource for society.
Key words:  conceptual estuary  sedimentation mechanisms  the Yangtze River Estuary  two-dimensional numerical simulation
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