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引用本文:张 瑞,阙华勇,丛日浩,李 莉,张国范.海湾扇贝维甲酸受体(RXR)cDNA克隆与表达分析[J].海洋科学,2016,40(9):1-8.
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张 瑞1,2, 阙华勇1, 丛日浩1, 李 莉1, 张国范1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院大学
维黄酸受体(RXR)是核受体超家族的重要成员, 已有研究表明其在脊椎动物中广泛参与调控生长发育、新陈代谢等多种重要的生理过程。本研究采用 RACE 技术克隆获得海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians) RXR (AiRXR) cDNA 序列, 采用荧光定量RT-PCR 技术分析该基因在性腺发育不同时期的不同组织中的表达特点。结果表明, AiRXR 的cDNA 序列开放阅读框为1338bp, 含有两个亚型: AiRXRα和AiRXRβ, 两个亚型之间在T-box 中相差4 个氨基酸。该蛋白序列与人 (Homo sapiens) 和栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri) 等的RXR 相似性很高。AiRXR 进化树分析显示, AiRXR 与软体动物RXR 聚为一支。AiRXR 基因具有广泛的组织表达特点, 在检测的组织中(外套膜、鳃、性腺、闭壳肌)均有表达, 推测AiRXR 以信号分子的形式参与多种组织细胞的生命过程; 在海湾扇贝性腺发育过程中AiRXR 基因在性腺发育的各时期均有表达且增殖期表达量最高, 说明AiRXR 基因可能参与调节性腺发育和分化的过程。
关键词:  海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)  RXR 基因  组织表达  性腺发育
基金项目:国家科技部高技术研发计划课题(863 计划, 2012AA10A410);贝类产业技术体系项目(CARS-48); 中国科学院科技服务网络计划项目(KFJ-EW-STS-060)
Molecular cloning and expression of the retinoid X receptor gene in Argopecten irradians
ZHANG Rui,QUE Hua-yong,CONG Ri-hao,LI Li,ZHANG Guo-fan
The retinoid X receptor (RXR) is a member of the nuclear family of receptors. It has been proven that RXR plays a crucial role in regulating growth, development, metabolism, and other physiological process in vertebrates. Using the RACE technique, the cDNA sequence of Argopecten irradians RXR (AiRXR) was cloned. The ORF of AiRXR was 1338 bp. Two isoforms were confirmed as AiRXRα and AiRXRβ with a difference of four amino acids in the T-box. The homologous analysis of the amino acids showed that AiRXRs share a high degree of similarity with the RXRs of Homo sapiens and Chlamys farrerii. The results of qRT-PCR illustrated that the AiRXR genes are expressed in multiple tissues (mantles, gills, gonads, and adductor muscles) throughout gonadal development, indicating that AiRXRs act as one of the signal molecules involved in multiple physiological processes. The highest level of AiRXR expression was observed at the proliferation stage of gonadal development, implying that AiRXR may be involved in the regulation of gonadal development and differentiation.
Key words:  Argopecten irradians  AiRXR gene  tissue expression  gonadal development
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