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引用本文:王 超,陈爱华,姚国兴,曹 奕,吴杨平,张 雨,蔡永祥.4个文蛤群体鲜味物质比较分析[J].海洋科学,2016,40(9):45-52.
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王 超1,2, 陈爱华1, 姚国兴1, 曹 奕1, 吴杨平1, 张 雨1, 蔡永祥1
1.江苏省海洋水产研究所;2.上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院
以江苏文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)为研究对象, 采集红壳色文蛤原种、黄壳色文蛤原种、红壳色文蛤选育F1、红壳色文蛤选育F24 个群体, 检测其主要非挥发性鲜味物质成分单磷酸腺苷(AMP)、单磷酸鸟苷(GMP)、次黄嘌呤核苷酸(IMP)、琥珀酸、游离氨基酸、无机离子(Na+、K+、Cl-、PO43-)的含量,并通过味道强度值(TAV)评价其呈味作用。鉴于核苷酸与氨基酸在呈味方面的协同效应, 采用味精当量(EUC)评价不同文蛤群体的鲜味品质。结果表明, 文蛤软体组织中AMP、琥珀酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸、丙氨酸、Na+、K+、Cl-的TAV 值大于1, 是文蛤鲜味的主要贡献者; 红壳色文蛤原种的鲜味强度最大(4.92 g/100g), 其子代红壳色文蛤F1 (4.08 g/100g)、红壳色文蛤F2(4.09 g/100g)稍有降低, 但仍显著高于黄壳色文蛤原种(3.34 g/100g)(P<0.05), 表明江苏红壳色文蛤在鲜味品质方面具有相对稳定的较高品质。
关键词:  文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)  红壳色  黄壳色  选育  鲜味物质
基金项目:江苏省科技厅重点研发项目 (BE2015324), 江苏省水产三新工程项目(D2014-16); 江苏省属公益类科研院所能力提升项目(BM2015017); 江苏省水产良种保种和亲本更新项目(BZ2015, 2016);南通市农业科技创新项目(HL2014007)
Comparison and analysis of umami substances of four Meretrix meretrix populations
WANG Chao,CHEN Ai-hua,YAO Guo-xing,CAO Yi,WU Yang-ping,ZHANG Yu,CAI Yong-xiang
This study evaluated protospecies populations of Meretrix meretrix, collected from Jiangsu province, with red shell color and yellow shell color and F1 and F2 populations with red shell color to detect the primary non-volatile flavor substance components. Contents of nucleotides (AMP, GMP, IMP), succinic acid, free amino acids, inorganic ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, PO43-) were determined and their flavor roles were evaluated by taste intensity value (TAV). Because of the synergies between nucleotides and amino acids in terms of flavor, equivalent umami concentration (EUC) was used to evaluate the quality of flavor of different M. meretrix populations. Results showed that the TAV of AMP, succinic acid, Glu, Arg, Ala, Na+, K+, and Cl- was greater than 1; thus, they were the major flavor contributors in M. meretrix; protospecies populations with red shell color had the maximum flavor intensity (4.92 g·100 g-1), followed by their progeny F1 (4.08 g·100 g-1) and F2 (4.09 g·100 g-1) whose TAVs were slightly lower but still significantly higher than that of protospecies populations with yellow shell color (3.34 g·100 g-1)(P< 0.05), indicating that M. meretrix populations with red shell color from Jiangsu have a relatively stable high quality in terms of flavor. This study provides a theoretical basis for breeding and application in the development of seasoning products of M. meretrix.
Key words:  Meretrix meretrix  red shell color  yellow shell color  breeding  umami substances
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