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引用本文:蔡文倩,周 娟,林岿璇,王 瑜,夏 阳,刘录三.基于底栖生物指数的辽东湾生态质量状况评价[J].海洋科学,2016,40(10):105-112.
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蔡文倩1,2, 周 娟1,2, 林岿璇1,2, 王 瑜1,2, 夏 阳1,2, 刘录三1,2
1.中国环境科学研究院 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室;2.中国环境科学研究院 国家环境保护河口与海岸带环境重点实验室
以2007年7月辽东湾近岸海域获取的大型底栖动物样品和环境参数数据为基础, 首次将W-statistic应用于该海域的生态质量状况评价, 并结合Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数及底栖生物完整性指数的评价结果全面分析其生态质量状况。结果表明, 大多数离岸海域取样点的生态环境质量状况以轻度干扰为主, 而北部河口区(如大辽河口、双台子河口)则以重度干扰为主, 且沿河口区向外有明显的空间梯度。这跟入海河流携带大量的营养盐入湾从而导致河口区富营养化程度较高有关。各指数均能较为敏感地响应富营养化的空间梯度变化, 且与富营养化指数显著相关; 同时, 3个指数之间呈显著的相关关系, 能辨析北岸河口区组与近岸海域组的大型底栖动物群落显著性差异, 适用于评价辽东湾的生态质量状况。
关键词:  大型底栖动物  底栖生物指数  生态质量状况评价  辽东湾
基金项目:国家自然科学青年基金项目(41406160); 国家环保公益性行业科研专项(201309007)
Ecological quality status of Liaodong Bay using benthic indices
CAI Wen-qian,ZHOU Juan,LIN Kui-xuan,WANG Yu,XIA Yang,LIU Lu-san
On the basis of the analysis of macrozoobenthos samples and environmental materials collected from Liaodong Bay in July 2007, W-statistic was used for the first time to assess the ecological quality status of the study area. In addition, Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index and Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity were employed to comprehensively analyze the ecological quality status of the area. The results of the analysis indicated that majority of the sampling sites in the offshore area were slightly disturbed; however, the areas located in the coastal areas, especially those in the Daliao River and Shuangtaizi River estuaries, were significantly disturbed and a spatial gradient was observed from the estuaries to the offshore area. This spatial pattern may have occurred because of the large amount of industrial and municipal wastewater being discharged every year from Liaoning Province into the Liaodong Bay through land streams, causing severe eutrophication in the northern coastal areas especially near the estuaries. Furthermore, all the indices exhibited sensitivity toward the spatial gradient of the Eutrophication Index (EI) and showed significant relations with EI. These relations were also observed among all the biotic indices that could identify the differences between the macrozoobenthos communities in the north estuaries group and those in the coastal areas group. It was concluded that all indices used in the study were suitable for assessing the ecological quality status in the Liaodong Bay.
Key words:  macrozoobenthos  benthic indices  ecological quality status assessment  Liaodong Bay
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