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引用本文:吴 亮,吴洪喜,马建忠,王瑶华,陈婉情,刘志明,关献涛.光色对豹纹鳃棘鲈幼鱼摄食、生长和存活的影响[J].海洋科学,2016,40(11):44-51.
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吴 亮1,2, 吴洪喜2,3, 马建忠2,3, 王瑶华2,3, 陈婉情1,2, 刘志明1,2, 关献涛1,2
1.上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院;2.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所;3.浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室
为探究光色对鱼类摄食、生长和存活的影响, 作者在模块化小型循环水养殖系统中, 以豹纹鳃棘鲈(Plectropomus leopardus)幼鱼(体长21.2 cm±1.22 cm, 体质量112.46 g±2.632 g)为对象, 设置5 种光色环境(红、黄、绿、白和黑暗), 进行了4个月的循环水养殖实验。结果表明: 绿光下豹纹鳃棘鲈幼鱼摄食率高、饵料转化率高、饵料系数低, 但不同光色下豹纹鳃棘鲈幼鱼的摄食不存在显著性差异(P>0.05); 幼鱼的体长增长, 绿光组和红光组大, 且与其余3 组间差异显著(P<0.05); 幼鱼的体质量增长, 绿光组最大, 红光组和黑暗组次之, 白光组和黄光组最小, 且三者间差异显著(P<0.05); 各组幼鱼的肥满度并没有显著性差异(P>0.05); 除白光组幼鱼存活率(只有50%)最低外, 其余各组幼鱼存活率均在80%以上, 其中绿光组最高, 为88.33%。可见, 在循环水养殖生产中, 绿光环境有利于豹纹鳃棘鲈幼鱼的摄食、生长和存活。
关键词:  豹纹鳃棘鲈(Plectropomus leopardus)  光色  摄食  生长  存活
基金项目:浙江省科技计划项目(2015F50009); 浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室人才培养项目(2012F20020); 温州市海水增养殖产业科技创新团队建设项目(C20120004); 中央立项现代农业生产发展资金鱼类产业提升项目(浙海渔计[2013]48 号)
Effect of light color on feeding, growth, and survival of Plectropomus leopardus juveniles
WU Liang,WU Hong-xi,MA Jian-zhong,WANG Yao-hua,CHENG Wan-qing,LIU Zhi-ming,GUAN Xian-tao
To investigate the effect of light color on feeding, growth, and survival of Plectropomus leopardus, we designed a series of aquaculture water-tank experiments for a small modular circulating-water aquaculture system using five different light colors (red, yellow, green, white, and black) on juvenile fish [initial length (21.2 cm±1.22 cm); initial weight (112.46 g±2.632 g)]. The system was operated on a four-month circulating-water cycle. Our key results are summarized as follows: High-strength feeding intensity ((0.995%±0.052%)·d), a high feed-conversion rate (85.767%±0.446%), and the lowest bait coefficient (1.166±0.034) for the juveniles were observed under green light conditions; however, there were no significant differences in feeding of the juveniles under different light colors (P>0.05); A high growth rate was observed under green and red light conditions, and the growth in this case was significantly different from that in the other three groups (P<0.05); There were no significant differences in the condition factor (CF) for different light-treatment groups (P>0.05); The lowest survival rate (50%) was observed under white light; the survival rates in the other four groups were all higher than 80%. The maximum survival rate (88.33%) was observed under green light. In conclusion, juvenile fish may survive, grow, and feed better under green light in indoor circulating-water aquaculture systems.
Key words:  Plectropomus leopardus  light color  feeding  growth  survival
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