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引用本文:顾 杰,郑宇华,王晓莉,马丹青.长江口滞流点洪、枯季移动的数值分析[J].海洋科学,2016,40(12):114-122.
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顾 杰1, 郑宇华1, 王晓莉1, 马丹青1
上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院
为研究长江口滞流点位置的季节变化, 利用Delft3D-Flow模块建立长江口二维潮流数学模型,通过实测水文资料对模型进行验证。在此基础上, 模拟长江口各汊道洪、枯季滞流点移动情况, 并从各汊道沿程断面的落潮量、涨潮量和落、涨潮量之比3个方面进行了水动力分析。结果显示: 洪季, 北支滞流点在八滧港东北方向约1.9 km处; 在南支各汊道中, 北港滞流点位于鸡骨礁东北方向约10.0 km处,北槽滞流点位于牛皮礁东南方向约3.8 km处, 南槽滞流点位于大辑山东北方向约14.1 km处。枯季, 除北槽外, 其余各汊道均出现两个滞流点, 且北支的两个滞流点相距最远, 分别在灵甸港西南方向约3.2 km处和六滧港东北方向约3.1 km处; 北港滞流点分别在鸡骨礁西北方向约25.8 km和20.2 km处, 北槽滞流点在横沙以西约5.3km处, 南槽滞流点分别在中浚西北方向约6.5 km和东北方向约5.5 km处。北支洪、枯季滞流点的移动距离为4.6~53.3 km, 北港、南槽洪、枯季滞流点的移动距离分别为22.0~27.7km 和34.6~39.2 km, 而北槽洪、枯季滞流点的移动距离最大, 为57.1km。长江口各汊道滞流点的移动反映了河流径流和海洋潮流的综合作用。
关键词:  数值模拟  长江口  滞流点  洪、枯季移动
Numerical analysis of the movement of stagnation points in the Yangtze River Estuary during the flood and dry seasons
GU Jie,ZHENG Yu-hua,WANG Xiao-li,MA Dan-qing
A two-dimensional tidal flow numerical model of the Yangtze River Estuary is established based on the Delft3D-FLOW model to study the seasonal changes of the stagnation points in the Yangtze River Estuary. First, the model is well calibrated with the field data and is subsequently employed to simulate and analyze the movement of the stagnation points in the Yangtze River Estuary during the flood and dry seasons. The results show that during floods, the stagnation point in the North Branch is located at 1.9 km northeast of the Bayao Port, whereas in the South Branch, the stagnation points in the North Channel and the North and South Passages are located at approximately 10.0 km northeast of Jigujiao, 3.8 km southeast of Niupijiao, and 14.1 km northeast of Dajishan, respectively. During the dry season, there are two stagnation points in every channel, except for the North Passage. The two points in the North Branch are far from each other and are located at approximately 3.2 km southwest of the Lingdian Port and 3.1 km northeast of the Liuyao Port. The stagnation points in the North Channel are located at 25.8 km and 20.2 km northwest of Jigujiao, whereas the stagnation point in the North Passage is located at 5.3 km west of Hengsha. Two stagnation points in the South Passage are located at 6.5 km northwest and 5.5 km northeast of Zhongjun. The seasonal moving range of stagnation points is from 4.6 to 53.3 km in the North Branch, from 22.0 to 27.7 km in the North Channel, and from 34.6 to 39.2 km in the South Passage; however, these ranges reach a maximum value of 57.1 km in the North Passage. The movements of stagnation points in four channels in the Yangtze River Estuary reflect the combined effects of river run-off and ocean tides.
Key words:  numerical simulation  the Yangtze River Estuary  stagnation point  movement during flood and dry seasons
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