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引用本文:李友训,关翔宇,高 焱,黄 博,王先磊,王继业.北极地区深海微生物研究进展及对策[J].海洋科学,2016,40(12):138-145.
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李友训1, 关翔宇2, 高 焱1, 黄 博1, 王先磊1, 王继业1
对北极地区深海微生物研究进展进行了综述和展望分析, 并提出强化我国北极深海微生物研究的对策, 以期为相关研究和决策提供参考。综述表明北极深海微生物具有丰富的多样性, 是数量巨大的遗传基因资源承载者, 群落结构表现出显著的空间分布差异, 在北极深海食物链中可能发挥着基础性作用。展望分析提出聚焦北极深海这一特殊的极端环境, 开展微生物多样性和地理分布特征研究、新颖遗传生化功能挖掘以及多尺度生态系统下微生物与环境变化的研究具有重要意义和价值。建议我国顶层布局、构建北极深海微生物协同研究体系, 提升专用配套仪器装备保障能力, 全面推进相关研究工作。
关键词:  北极  深海  微生物
基金项目:中国海洋发展研究中心青年项目(AOCQN201312); 山东省软科学研究计划(2016RKF01011)
Progress on microbial research in the deep Arctic
LI You-xun,GUAN Xiang-yu,GAO Yan,HUANG Bo,WANG Xian-lei,WANG Ji-ye
To provide a reference to advance related research in China, this article reviews microbial research progress in the deep Arctic, discusses prospects, and makes recommendations for macro-strategies. The rich diversity and enormous genetic resource of deep Arctic micro-organisms is described. In addition, it is determined that microbial communities exist as distinct spatial and stratified distributions and are found to play an important role in the deep Arctic food web. It is of great value to study the diversity and bio-geography of the deep Arctic micro-organisms, identify their novel genetic and biochemical functions, and investigate their roles in multiscale ecosystems related to the global climate change. Therefore, a top-down design including a collaborative innovation system construction and developments of special deep-sea instruments are proposed to accelerate the deep Arctic microbial research in China.
Key words:  the Arctic  deep-sea  micro-organisms
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