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引用本文:李青生,黄金良,王 翠,王炳坤,吴耀建,张继伟,林河山,罗汉宏.基于生态-经济-产业综合分析的平潭岛开发适宜性评价[J].海洋科学,2017,41(1):1-10.
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李青生1, 黄金良2, 王 翠1, 王炳坤1, 吴耀建1, 张继伟1, 林河山3, 罗汉宏2
基于平潭岛生态、经济和产业资料, 利用地理信息系统(Geographical Information System, GIS)、层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP), 建立了海岛生态-经济适宜性评价方法, 对平潭岛生态-经济适宜性进行评价并进行适宜性分区, 将平潭岛分为不适宜开发区域、限制性开发区域和适宜开发区域, 面积分别为61.87、107.48和112.19 km2, 分别占全岛面积的21.98%、38.17%和39.85%。而后通过层次聚类分析(Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, HCA)和产业发展分析进行了产业适宜性分析, 将11个乡镇分成产业一类和产业二类两大类: 其中产业一类主要包括芦洋乡、中楼乡和岚城乡, 主要分布于中部平原区域, 适宜发展种植业、农产品加工业; 产业二类主要包括潭城镇、苏澳镇、澳前镇、流水镇、北厝镇、敖东镇、平原乡和白青乡, 主要分布于沿海丘陵区域, 适宜发展渔业、旅游业。本研究评价结果可以为平潭岛综合开发利用规划提供参考。
关键词:  生态-经济-产业综合分析  开发适宜性  地理信息系统(GIS)-层次分析法(AHP)-层次聚类分析(HCA)方法  平潭岛
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41406121); 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务专项(2012020)
Assessment of the Pingtan Island land development suitability based on comprehensive ecological–economic–industrial analysis
LI Qing-sheng,HUANG Jin-liang,WANG Cui,WANG Bing-kun,WU Yao-jian,ZHANG Ji-wei,LIN He-shan,LUO Han-hong
In this paper, we establish an effective method for evaluating the development of zoning suitability on the Pingtan Island. The methods used include a geographical information system (GIS), an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and cluster analysis (CA) based on natural, economic, and industrial information. Our results show that the land areas with suitable, restrictive, and inappropriate development total 112.19, 107.48, and 61.87 km2, respectively, which account for 39.85%, 38.17%, and 21.98% of the island. We divided 11 towns into two categories based on their proportions of appropriate, restrictive, and inappropriate areas. Towns in the central plains region (Category 1) were suitable for farming and industries that process agricultural products, whereas coastal towns (Category 2) were suitable for the development of fisheries and tourism. We conclude that our proposed development evaluation method comprising a comprehensive ecological–economic–industrial analysis is appropriate for application to Pingtan Island.
Key words:  comprehensive ecological–economic–industrial analysis  development suitability  geographical information system (GIS)–analytic hierarchy process (AHP)–cluster analysis (CA) method  the Pingtan Island
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