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引用本文:刘 杰,孙雅雯,郭昱东,张德超.海山微生物多样性研究进展[J].海洋科学,2017,41(1):123-130.
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刘 杰1, 孙雅雯1, 郭昱东1, 张德超2
1.青岛科技大学 海洋科学与生物工程学院 生物工程系;2.中国科学院海洋研究所 海洋生物分类与系统演化实验室
随着深海海山区域生物多样性的发现, 人们越来越关注深海微生物的研究。海山山脉火山活跃部分具有非常广泛的特殊微生物栖息环境, 因此成为人们研究海山微生物多样性的热点。但从现有报道来看, 我们对海山微生物的了解还很少。作者主要针对海山、尤其是西太平洋深海海山的类型及其微生物群落(包括对铁、硫循环起指示作用的特殊群落)的研究进展进行综述。在这些研究中, 通过基于SSU rDNA克隆测序、T-RFLP、系统发育比较等培养与非培养分析手段发现, 西太平洋深海火山活跃海山周围具有比较高的环境多样性与特殊微生物类群多样性, 其中ζ变形菌纲(ζ- proteobacteria)和/或ε变形菌纲(ε- proteobacteria )微生物是最普遍的类别。这些研究对于进一步开展其他海山的地质形成过程及微生物栖息环境与类群研究具有较大的指导意义。
关键词:  西太平洋  深海海山  微生物类群  多样性
基金项目:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA11030201); 中国科学院海洋研究所“一三五”专项资助(2012IO060105)
The research progress on the microbial diversity of seamounts
LIU Jie,SUN Ya-wen,GUO Yu-dong,ZHANG De-chao
Because of the continuous discovery of deep seamounts, people are paying more attention to the study of seamount microbes. The active volcanic region of seamounts can provide a wide range of living environments for many special microorganisms, and therefore, currently, it has become a research hotspot. However, based on the existing reports, our understanding of seamount microorganisms is still very poor. Here the research progress on the types of deep seamount (particularly the Western pacific seamounts) and their microbial groups (including the indicator microbial groups of the iron and sulfur element cycle) were reviewed. The results of these investigations showed that there are more diverse environments and special microbial groups based on the analysis methods of SSU rDNA sequencing, T-RFLP, and phylogenetic comparison. Zeta (ζ)- and/or epsilon (ε)- proteobacteria are the most common groups in these deep seamount areas with an active volcano in the Western Pacific. This research can be of great guiding significance for further research on geological forming and microbial habitat groups of other deep seamounts.
Key words:  Western Pacific  deep seamounts  microbial groups  diversity
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