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引用本文:顾 杰,胡成飞,李正尧,匡翠萍,张永丰.秦皇岛河流-海岸水动力和水质耦合模拟分析[J].海洋科学,2017,41(2):1-11.
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顾 杰1, 胡成飞2, 李正尧3, 匡翠萍3, 张永丰4
1.上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院;2.浙江省水利河口研究所;3.同济大学土木工程学院 水利工程系;4.河北省海洋环境监测中心
基于MIKE FLOOD建立秦皇岛入海河流及其近岸海域一维、二维耦合河流-海岸水动力和水质模型, 研究了秦皇岛海域和入海河流的水动力和污染物分布规律。结果表明: (1)海域潮流为半日潮, 其中石河口南北支入海口流速变化过程差别较大, 但水位变化过程基本一致; (2)整体上河流入海口化学需氧量(COD)与流速呈正相关关系; (3)COD在近岸海域的扩散方向与涨落潮潮流方向一致, 各入海河口海域落潮流期间的COD 高于涨潮流。如上结论为赤潮爆发机理和应急处置研究提供科学依据和技术支持。
关键词:  秦皇岛  一二维耦合模型  水动力  化学需氧量(COD)
Coupling simulation and analysis of hydrodynamics and water quality in Qinhuangdao rivers and coastal waters
GU Jie,HU Cheng-fei,LI Zheng-yao,KUANG Cui-ping,ZHANG Yong-feng
By coupling a one-dimensional model of river with a two-dimensional model for coastal waters in Qinhuangdao, a model of hydrodynamics and water quality was established based on the MIKE FLOOD. The characteristics of flow currents and distribution of pollutants in Qinhuangdao estuaries and coastal waters were subsequently analyzed. Numerical results show that 1) the tidal current in coastal water is semidiurnal, and although there is considerable change in the current speeds of the north and south branches of the Shihe River estuary, the water level is basically the same. 2) There is a positive correlation between chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations and current speeds in Qinhuangdao estuaries. 3) The direction of COD transport in coastal waters corresponds to the direction of the tidal current, and the COD concentration is higher in the ebb period than that in the flood period. The above results provide a scientific basis and technical support for research into the red-tide outbreak mechanism and emergency treatment thereof.
Key words:  Qinhuangdao  one- and two-dimensional coupled model  hydrodynamics  chemical oxygen demand
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