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刘彩霞1,2, 顾文辉1, 黄爱优1,3, 伍松翠1,2, 张宝玉1, 王广策1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 实验海洋生物学重点实验室;2.中国科学院大学;3.中国科学院 海洋研究所 海洋科学与技术研究发展中心
为研究小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)对不同浓度Fe3+的响应, 测定了自养和乙酸兼养小球藻在不同浓度Fe3+条件下的生长速率和油脂含量, 比较分析了兼养小球藻在不同浓度Fe3+下的蛋白质组表达差异。结果表明, 兼养小球藻比自养小球藻生长速率快, 积累的生物量多, 在缺铁条件下中性脂含量高。蛋白质组分析显示: 在缺铁条件下光合作用相关蛋白含量最低; 在缺铁和高浓度铁条件下, 热激蛋白、蛋白合成和糖代谢等过程相关蛋白表达都下调, 表明缺铁和高浓度铁条件对小球藻的生长都是逆境条件; 在缺铁条件下氨基酸代谢相关蛋白表达上调, 这可能是由于NO3-同化下降, 氨基酸合成减少, 需要进行氮的回收利用。上述结果表明: 在兼养条件下缺铁培养的小球藻可获得较高生物量和中性脂含量; 而高浓度铁能促进小球藻生长, 但不能提高中性脂含量, 对藻细胞也有一定的胁迫效应。
关键词:  小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)  兼养  乙酸盐  铁离子  蛋白质组
基金项目:科技部国际合作专项(2015DFG32160); 科技部国家科技基础性工作专项(2012FY112900-01); 南通市2014 年科技计划项目(AS2014007); 山东省博士后创新计划项目(2014)
Proteomic analysis of mixotrophic cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris exposed to different iron concentrations
LIU Cai-xia,GU Wen-hui,HUANG Ai-you,WU Song-cui,ZHANG Bao-yu,WANG Guang-ce
Here, we investigated the effect of different iron concentrations on the growth rate and lipid content of autotrophic and mixotrophic cultivations of Chlorella vulgaris. Differential expression of proteins in mixotrophic C. vulgaris exposed to different iron concentrations was analyzed. The results showed that mixotrophic cultivation demonstrated a faster growth rate and improved biomass than autotrophic cultivation. Iron deficiency may result in an increase in the lipid content. Proteomics analysis showed that the concentration of iron-containing proteins involved in photosynthesis was low in an iron-deficient culture condition. Hot shock proteins as well as proteins involved in translation and glycolysis were downregulated under both low and high iron concentrations, indicating that these growth conditions were stressful for C. vulgaris. The concentration of proteins involved in amino acid metabolism increased under iron-deficient conditions, possibly due to downregulation of NO3- assimilation and amino acid synthesis. These results showed that both the growth rate and lipid content in mixotrophic C. vulgaris were higher under iron-deficient conditions. The growth of C. vulgaris was accelerated under conditions of high iron concentrations, without affecting its lipid content. These results imply that high iron concentrations lead to a stress effect on the cells of C. vulgaris.
Key words:  Chlorella vulgaris  mixotrophic  acetate  Fe3+  proteomics
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