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张菀伦1,2, 刘志亮1, 王世红1,2
为进一步了解南黄海涡动能的季节变化特点, 本文利用气候态月平均数据分析了南黄海涡动场的季节变化规律, 并通过计算动能通量谱探讨了相关的变化机制。结果显示, 南黄海涡动能在季节变化尺度上存在双峰结构, 9月和1月各存在一个峰值, 9月峰值较大, 1月峰值较小。而且, 上半年南黄海存在的涡主要为经向伸长, 下半年主要为纬向伸长。动能通量谱的计算结果显示, 9月存在的涡动能峰值主要是斜压不稳定过程直接作用的结果, 而1月的峰值主要与涡涡相互作用相关。本文从一个新的角度(涡动能)对南黄海进行了探究, 有利于加深人们对该海域海水动力机制的认识。
关键词:  南黄海  涡动能  动能通量谱
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41276026); 中国科学院战略先导专项(XDA11020301)
Seasonal variations of eddy kinetic energy and its spectral characteristics in the southern Yellow Sea
ZHANG Wan-lun,LIU Zhi-liang,WANG Shi-hong
Seasonal variations of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and its related mechanisms were analyzed in the southern Yellow Sea based on a climatological model output. We found that EKE had a double-peak structure on seasonal scales in this region, with a stronger peak appearing in September and a weaker peak in January. Furthermore, the eddies were found to be more meridionally elongated in the first half of the year, whereas they were zonally elongated in the second half of the year. The spectral characteristics of EKE showed that the EKE peak in September was mainly due to baroclinic instabilities in summer while that in January was possibly due to eddy?eddy interactions. Thus, we discussed the seasonal variations of EKE in the southern Yellow Sea, which provides an understanding of the dynamic mechanisms in this area.
Key words:  southern Yellow Sea  eddy kinetic energy  spectral kinetic energy flux
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