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引用本文:王 琳,张灿影,朱立禄,彭海青,罗 璇,冯志纲,张国良.国际洋中脊研究的发展态势及热点分析[J].海洋科学,2017,41(3):151-160.
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王 琳1, 张灿影1, 朱立禄2, 彭海青1, 罗 璇1, 冯志纲1, 张国良1
对洋中脊研究的国际研究战略与计划进行分析, 具体包括综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)、国际洋中脊协会(InterRidge)和国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)的相关研究规划和资助项目。此外, 结合洋中脊研究论文的文献计量学研究, 使用社会网络分析法、VOSviewer和Histcite软件综合分析了洋中脊研究的国际发展趋势及研究热点。美国的洋中脊研究实力最强。中国近3年的发文比例非常高, 表明越来越关注该领域的研究。中国洋中脊研究的主要合作对象是美国。热液生态系统与洋中脊岩石地球化学研究目前是该领域的研究热点。本分析结果可以为我国的洋中脊研究和相关决策提供参考依据。
关键词:  洋中脊  研究计划  研究热点  趋势
Trends and hotspots in international Mid-ocean Ridge research
WANG Lin,ZHANG Can-ying,ZHU Li-lu,PENG Hai-qing,LUO Xuan,FENG Zhi-gang,ZHANG Guo-liang
This paper analyzes international strategies and projects about mid-ocean ridge research, including the research plans and funded projects of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and InterRidge and Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. In addition, the publication output of mid-ocean ridge research is studied using bibliometric methods. The research trend and hotspots are comprehensively analyzed by social network method, VOSviewer and Histcite softwares. The United States has the strongest research competitiveness. The proportion of papers issued in China is very high in the past 3 years, which indicates that more and more attention has been paid to the research in this field. The main cooperative partner of China in mid-ocean ridge research is the United States. The study of hydrothermal ecosystem and lithogeochemistry of mid-ocean ridge are hotspots. It is considered that the results reported in this paper may be of use for further research and for the formation of policies within China.
Key words:  mid-ocean ridge  strategy  hotspots  trend
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