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引用本文:郭连杰,江 涛,严立文,黄 珏.基于Landsat遥感数据的长岛南部岛群景观格局演化研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):75-81.
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郭连杰1, 江 涛1, 严立文2, 黄 珏1
1.山东科技大学 测绘科学与工程学院;2.中国科学院海洋研究所
为了了解长岛南部岛群在经济发展背景下的景观格局及未来变化趋势, 利用1990~2015年6景LandsatTM5、TM7和OLI8影像数据源, 基于地理信息系统(GIS)平台采用决策树分类的方法对长岛南部岛群的景观类型进行了分类, 并结合Frag-stats 软件提取7种不同的景观格局指数, 对长岛南部岛群的景观格局演化特征进行了系统分析。结果显示, 人为活动是近年来长岛南部岛群景观格局演化的主要驱动力, 该岛群景观类型变化以建设用地、水产养殖用地增加和林地减少为特征, 建设用地斑块聚集度指数较高, 斑块的聚集度指数逐年增加, 整体上斑块的聚集度和连通性很好。不同景观指数(SHDI(景观斑块多样性)、PAFRAC(周长面积分维数)、PD(斑块密度指数)、LSI(斑块形状指数)、CA(斑块面积指数)、AI(景观聚集度指数)、COHESION(斑块结合度指数))对人为扰动因子均具有良好的表征。相关研究结论可为长岛南部岛群综合管理和生态红线划定提供有效依据。
关键词:  景观生态学  景观格局指数  遥感影像  长岛南部岛群
基金项目:青年科学基金项目(41306190); 海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目 ((DOMEP(MEA)-01-05)—201505012-3)
Study on the evolution of landscape patterns in the south of the Changdao Island based on Landsat remote sensing data
GUO Lian-jie,JIANG Tao,YAN Li-wen,HUANG Jue
This paper aims to classify the landscapes of the southern islands of the Changdao Island chain using the Landsat TM5, TM7, and OLI8 image data sources from 1990 to 2015, based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) platform and the decision tree classification method. The Frag-stats software was used to extract the pattern indices of the seven different landscapes. The landscape pattern evolution characteristics of the southern island group of the Changdao Island chain were systematically analyzed. The results showed that the anthropogenic activity was the main driving force for the evolution of the landscape pattern for this landscape in recent years. The landscape pattern was characterized by the increase of construction, aquaculture, and forest land, the increase of the aggregation index of plaques every year, and good aggregation degree and connectivity of plaques. Different landscape indices, i.e., Patch Density (PD), Aggregation Index (AI), Class Area (CA), Landscape Shape Index (LSI), Patch Cohesion Index (COHESION), Shannon's Diversity Index (SHDI), all exhibit characteristics of human disturbance factors. The conclusion can provide the effective basis for the integrated management of the island groups and the delineation of ecological red lines.
Key words:  landscape ecology  landscape pattern index  remote sensing image  the south island group of the Changdao Island
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