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引用本文:李晓敏,张 杰,马 毅,任广波.基于无人机高光谱的外来入侵种互花米草遥感监测方法研究——以黄河三角洲为研究区[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):98-107.
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李晓敏1,2, 张 杰1, 马 毅1, 任广波1
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵性非常强, 已被正式纳入我国第一批外来入侵物种名单。互花米草的疯狂蔓延已影响到当地土著物种的生长和空间分布, 因此有关管理部门迫切需要互花米草的空间分布和扩散动态数据, 但目前还没有一个有效的监测手段。针对这一需求, 本文作者提出了基于无人机高光谱的外来入侵种互花米草遥感监测研究方案, 拟以黄河三角洲为研究区, 利用无人机高光谱遥感新型技术, 分析不同情形下(不同生长状况、不同观测条件、不同环境条件等)互花米草的光谱特征, 建立鲁棒的互花米草遥感检测模型, 研究互花米草无人机高光谱图像高效获取方法, 以实现互花米草的高效、准确监测, 为亟需的外来入侵种互花米草业务化监测提供有效的技术手段。
关键词:  互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)  无人机  高光谱遥感
Study on monitoring alien invasive species Spartina alterniflora using unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral remote sensinga case study of the Yellow River Delta
LI Xiao-min,ZHANG Jie1,MA Yi,REN Guang-bo
The invasion of Spartina alterniflora is immensely dominant, hence it has been included in the priority list of invasive species. The large-scale spread of S. alterniflora has severely influenced the growth and distribution of the native species, hence the relevant management departments are urgently required to monitor the spatial distribution and spread of S. alterniflora, but currently there are no effective ways of monitoring. Hence, we propose a new method of monitoring S. alterniflora using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hyperspectral remote sensing, a new technical means of remote sensing monitoring, to analyze the spectral characteristics of S. alterniflora under different circumstances (such as growth status and environmental conditions). The technique will establish a robust S. alterniflora remote sensing detection model, to find an effective way to obtain UAV hyperspectral remote sensing images of S. alterniflora, and then to achieve efficient and accurate monitoring of S. alterniflora. The results can provide an effective technical means for the operational S. alterniflora monitoring.
Key words:  Spartina alterniflora  unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)  hyperspectral remote sensing
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