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引用本文:应王敏,郑 桥,朱陈陈,朱 业,车助镁,楚栋栋,张继才.基于SWAN模式的“灿鸿”台风浪数值模拟[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):108-117.
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应王敏1, 郑 桥1, 朱陈陈1, 朱 业2, 车助镁2, 楚栋栋1, 张继才1
1.浙江大学 海洋学院 物理海洋研究所;2.浙江省海洋监测预报中心
以第三代海浪模式SWAN(simulating wave nearshore, 近岸海浪数值模型)为基础, 构建了东中国海海域波浪数值模式, 并以高时间、空间分辨率的CCMP(cross calibrated multi-platform, 多平台交叉校正)风场作为驱动风场进行波浪计算, 模拟了1509号“灿鸿”台风的波浪过程。同时, 对SWAN 模式中的底摩擦参数化方案、波浪破碎参数、风能输入与白冠耗散、波-波非线性相互作用等因素对台风浪模拟的影响进行了分析, 并对模式中的各影响因素给出了建议。模拟结果与浮标实测有效浪高数据(舟山朱家尖站、南麂岛站、舟山外海站、温州外海站)两者之间的偏差较小, 表明本研究所建立的模式以及选择的参数合理, SWAN和CCMP风场的结合能满足海洋波浪数值模拟的需求。本研究对于台风浪数值预报具有参考意义。
关键词:  第三代海浪模式SWAN(simulating wave nearshore)  CCMP(cross calibrated multi-platform)风场  台风浪  东中国海  “灿鸿”台风
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2017YFC1404000, 2017YFA0604100);浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY15D060001); 国家自然科学基金项目(41206001); 浙江省海洋与渔业局资助项目
Numerical simulation of “CHAN-HOM” typhoon waves using SWAN model
YING Wang-min,ZHENG Qiao,ZHU Chen-chen,ZHU Ye,CHE Zhu-mei,CHU Dong-dong,ZHANG Ji-cai
In this study, a wave-simulation model is developed for the East China Sea based on the third-generation wave model simulating wave nearshore (SWAN). The model is forced by the cross calibrated multi-platform (CCMP), which is a wind data source with high temporal and spatial resolutions. In this paper, waves caused by 1509 “CHAN-HOM” typhoon are studied and simulated. To determine parameterization for different effects and obtain accurate parameter values, several experiments are conducted to study factors affecting results of simulating typhoon waves, such as bottom friction, white capping, depth-induced wave breaking, and nonlinear wave-wave interactions. A number of reasonable recommendations are proposed after analysis of these factors. A comparison between model results and observation data obtained from four stations shows that simulated results meet the precision requirements of sea wave forecasting.
Key words:  SWAN (simulating wave nearshore) model  CCMP (cross calibrated multi-platform)  typhoon waves  the East China Sea  typhoon CHAN-HOM
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