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引用本文:岳保静,廖 晶,高茂生,周良勇,白伟明.山东半岛砂质海滩动力地貌演化特征[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):118-127.
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岳保静1,2,3, 廖 晶1,2, 高茂生1,2,3, 周良勇1,2,3, 白伟明4
1.国土资源部油气资源和环境地质重点实验室, 青岛海洋地质研究所;2.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室海洋地质过程与环境功能实验室;3.中国地质调查局滨海湿地生物地质重点实验室, 青岛海洋地质研究所;4.国土资源部油气资源和环境地质重点实验室
为探讨山东半岛砂质海滩的动力地貌学特征, 利用波浪和潮汐资料计算了山东半岛浪潮作用指数K和波浪-沉积物参数(Dean参数(Ω)), 并进行了地貌类型划分; 结合2012~2015年对山东半岛不同地理岸段砂质海岸地形地貌、表层沉积物进行的7次监测, 对海滩监测剖面地形高程和表层沉积物粒度监测数据进行了研究, 结果表明: 山东半岛北部烟台多处海滩为消散型, 局部过渡性; 威海东侧和山东半岛南部海滩属于过渡型或反射型; 不同类型沙滩季节变化差别明显, 消散型海滩夏季容易形成沿岸沙坝, 冬季海滩沙坝明显受到侵蚀; 而过渡型或反射型海滩变化趋势相反, 冬季靠近高潮线的部位淤积, 形成滩肩, 夏季受到侵蚀消失。山东半岛北部海滩粒径较粗, 并呈现逐年变粗的趋势, 而山东半岛南部粒径较细且逐年变细; 季节变化受到波浪条件和季节差异的控制, 招远、龙口、威海、日照地区较牟平、海阳、青岛等平直岸段冬季沉积物比夏季粗。山东半岛砂质海滩的地貌形态受海岸的地理位置、海洋动力条件、岸线走向及沙源供给等多种沉积环境因素的影响, 人类活动的影响可在短期内对海滩造成剧烈变化, 引起海岸严重侵蚀。
关键词:  山东半岛  海滩剖面监测  砂质海岸  动力地貌
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41106060, 41406080); 海洋地质保障工程(DD20160144, GZH201200505)
Evolutionary features of morphodynamics of sandy beaches on the Shandong Peninsula
YUE Bao-jing,LIAO Jing,GAO Mao-sheng,ZHOU Liang-yong,BAI Wei-ming
Wave and tide data are used to calculate the wave function index, K, and the wave-sediment parameter (Dean parameter (Ω)) for the sandy coast along the Shandong Peninsula and divided beaches into geomorphological types. Results of seven surveys measuring the terrain elevation on the beach monitoring profile are combined with results of surface sampling of beach sediments on sandy coasts of different geographic segments of the Shandong Peninsula during 2012–2015, and the morphodynamics of these beaches are discussed. The following results are found: most beaches north of the Shandong Peninsula are dissipative beaches but several are intermediate beaches; beaches to the east of Weihai and south of the Shandong Peninsula are either intermediate or reflective beaches. There are clear seasonal variations for each of the different beach types. Dissipative beaches are prone to forming offshore bars in the summer and beach bars clearly erode in winter. The trend for intermediate or reflective beaches is the opposite to that of dissipative beaches: siltation is present in the part near the high-tide line during winter, forming beach berms, which disappear in the summer due to corrosion. The results of sediments granularity monitoring indicate that the granularity of the beaches sediments in the northern Shandong Peninsula is relatively coarse and gradually becomes coarser, whereas sediment granularity in the southern Shandong Peninsula is relatively fine and gradually becomes finer; seasonal variations are controlled by wave conditions and seasonal differences. The morphological forms of sandy beaches in the Shandong Peninsula are affected by a number of sedimentary environmental factors occurring in the coastal geographic locations. In addition, marine dynamic conditions, direction of the shoreline, input from sand sources, and impact of human activities cause dramatic changes and serious coastal erosion to beaches.
Key words:  the Shandong Peninsula  monitoring beach profiles  sandy beach  morphodynamics
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