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引用本文:侯朝伟,唐 诚,邹 涛,刘 欣,张 华.基于FerryBox的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测[J].海洋科学,2017,41(5):59-70.
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侯朝伟1, 唐 诚1, 邹 涛1, 刘 欣1, 张 华1
中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所
FerryBox是一套全自动、实时的水生生态监测系统, 具有多参数、低维护、低成本、监测覆盖范围广、可持续性强等诸多优点。2015年10月~2016年7月, 作者通过将其安装在一条频繁返于烟台-大连之间的货船上, 实现了10个月的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测。监测结果表明, 渤海海峡水环境因子在时空分布上存在显著的南北差异, 秋季海峡南部海域的表层浊度及pH均高于中部及北部海域; 冬季海峡北部海域的表层温度、盐度和浊度均大于南部海域; 进入春季以后海峡中南部海域为表层叶绿素a浓度高值区。季风、黄海暖流以及渤海环流等因素是造成渤海海峡水环境因子南北差异的主要原因。春、夏季渤海海峡营养盐监测结果表明, 渤海海峡营养盐的时空分布具有明显的季节性和区域性特征, 在时间变化上整体呈现初春和夏末较高, 在空间分布上整体呈现海峡两侧高于海峡中部。海底冷水团颗粒物的分解、藻类繁殖、地表径流以及渤海环流等, 是影响渤海海峡春、夏季营养盐时空分布的重要因素。春季渤海海峡浮游生物生长受硅和磷的双重限制, 夏季主要受磷限制。
关键词:  FerryBox  渤海海峡  水质  水环境因子  营养盐
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)( 2015CB453301); 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41530966); 中国科学院重点部署项目(KZZD-EW-14)
Long-term and low-cost automatic monitoring of water quality in the Bohai Strait using FerryBox
HOU Chao-wei,TANG Cheng,ZOU Tao,LIU Xin,ZHANG Hua
FerryBox is an automated, real-time aquatic ecosystem monitoring system that has many advantages such as multiple parameters, low maintenance, low cost, wide monitoring coverage, and strong sustainability. The FerryBox that was installed in a cargo ship that frequently shuttled between Yantai and Dalian from October 2015 to July 2016 achieved a ten-month low-cost water quality automatic monitoring of the Bohai Strait. The monitoring results showed that the spatial and temporal distribution of water environmental factors between the northern and southern Bohai Strait had significant differences. While the surface turbidity and surface pH in the southern Bohai Strait were higher than that in the central and northern sea area in autumn, the surface temperature, surface salinity, and surface turbidity of the northern Bohai Strait were higher than that in the southern sea area in winter; in addition, the chlorophyll-a concentration of the central and southern Bohai Strait was higher than that of the northern sea area after the beginning of spring. Monsoon, warm current of the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea circulation were the main reasons for the differences in the water environmental factors distribution in the Bohai Strait. The monitoring results of the nutrients in the Bohai Strait in the spring and summer of 2016 showed that the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in the Bohai strait had obvious seasonal and regional characteristics. The nutrient content was high in early spring and late summer in the temporal variation, and the nutrient content of both sides of the Bohai Strait was higher than that of the central sea area in the spatial distribution. Decomposition of particles in a submarine, cold water mass, algae reproduction, surface runoff, and the Bohai Sea circulation were the important factors that affected the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in the Bohai Strait during spring and summer. The nutrients that limited the phytoplankton growth were silicon and phosphorus in spring and solely phosphorus in summer.
Key words:  FerryBox  Bohai strait  water quality  water environmental factors  nutrients
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