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引用本文:唐 诚,郑向阳,李艳芳,刘 欣,张 华.山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测[J].海洋科学,2017,41(5):85-92.
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唐 诚1, 郑向阳1, 李艳芳1, 刘 欣1, 张 华1
利用两台高频地波雷达(ground wave radar, WERA)站对山东半岛北部雷达覆盖海区的浪、流场进行了观测, 并且利用海洋-大气-波浪耦合沉积输运模型(coupled-ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system, COAWST)对该区域的一个强风暴过程进行了数值模拟, 对雷达观测数据、现场声学多普勒流速剖面仪(acoustic Doppler current profilers, ADCP)调查数据和数值模拟结果进行比对分析发现, 模型模拟的水位变化与ADCP测量结果一致, WERA所观测到的有效波高和ADCP结果比较吻合, 模型模拟的ADCP站位的流速相位、大小与雷达观测结果比较接近, 与ADCP的结果有一定偏差。雷达观测的海区流场结果与模型反映趋势基本一致, 但是在近岸方向上变化较大, 其原因可能与ADCP的投放位置、模型的分辨率设置等因素有关。高频地波雷达系统是海岸带动力环境观测的一个有效工具, 在实际应用中有着广泛的前景。
关键词:  地波雷达(ground wave radar, WERA)  山东半岛北部  海洋动力环境  海洋-大气-波浪耦合沉积输运模型(coupled-ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system, COAWST)
基金项目:国家基金重点计划(41530966); 中国科学院重点部署项目(KZZD-EW-14); 烟台市科技局科技计划项目(2014ZH083)
High frequency ground wave radar observations on the Northern Shandong Peninsula coast
TANG Cheng,ZHENG Xiang-yang,LI Yan-fang,LIU Xin,ZHANG Hua
Based on current and wave observation data collected from 2 high frequency ground wave radar (WERA) systems installed on the Northern Shandong Peninsula, a strong storm process is simulated in this field using an atmosphere-ocean-wave coupling model (COAWST) and results are compared between on-site ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profile) measurements, WERA data, and the model output. Results show that the water level change is consistent with the model output, significant wave height change shows a good relation between WERA and ADCP, and the current speed and phase change from the model output on the ADCP site are close to WERA measurements, which are slightly different from ADCP measurements. In addition, the flow field from WERA measurements has a similar trend to the model outcome, but results vary considerably when it close to the shore, which is possibly related to the distance of ADCP deployment, the model resolution and settings, and other factors. In total, the High Frequency Ground Wave Radar systems are proveed to be effective observation tools for coastal dynamical environment monitoring and have broad application prospects.
Key words:  high frequency ground wave radar  the Northern Shandong Peninsula coast  ocean dynamic environment  coupledocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system (COAWST)
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