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陈国贵1, 李元跃1, 蔡丽钦1, 徐佳佳1, 林沛然1, 陈文城1, 黄森磊1
集美大学 水产学院, 福建省海洋渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室
本文研究红树植物外来种无瓣海桑对乡土种秋茄形态可塑性、生物量积累、生物量分配的影响。实验样地设在福建省漳州市漳浦县“东山湾滨海湿地互花米草防控与生态修复示范基地”, 共设置4种样地类型, 秋茄种植间距为0.25 m×0.25 m(Ⅰ)的秋茄人工纯林、种植间距分别为0.5 m×0.5 m(Ⅱ)、1 m×1 m(Ⅲ)、2 m×2 m( Ⅳ)外来种无瓣海桑与秋茄(种植间距为25 cm×25 cm)人工混交林。结果表明: 种植无瓣海桑, 导致3种混交林样地秋茄的形态指标(H、D)、生物量(A GB、B GB、TB、R/S)在不同季节均表现出显著或极显著低于秋茄纯林对照样地; 随着无瓣海桑种植间距的减小, 秋茄形态指标、生物量也会发生显著的减小趋势; 秋茄的形态特征、R/S、BGB与AGB之间均表现出极显著的异速生长关系,混交林的异速生长关系指数和决定系数均显著小于秋茄纯林, 随着无瓣海桑种植间距的不断减小;BGB与AGB之间的斜率发生显著减小的趋势。说明: 种植无瓣海桑在一定程度上导致秋茄明显发生个体发育漂变, 并在一定程度上显著抑制秋茄的形态可塑性、生物量的积累、增长速率和分配格局。随着无瓣海桑种植间距的减小, 在一定程度上, 使秋茄个体发育漂变程度更加明显, 对秋茄形态可塑性、生物量的积累、增长速率和分配格局的抑制作用显著加强。研究结果表明种植外来种无瓣海桑对乡土种秋茄具有一定程度的入侵倾向。
关键词:  无瓣海桑  秋茄  生物量  异速生长  根冠比  入侵
基金项目:福建省高校产学合作重大项目(2006Y4001); 福建省海岛、海岸带管理重点实验项目(CIMTS-2014-02)
Impacts of alien species Sonneratia apetala on morphological characteristics and biomass of native species Kandelia candel
CHEN Guo-gui,LI Yuan-yue,CAI Li-qin,XU Jia-jia,LIN Pei-ran,CHEN Wen-cheng,HUANG Sen-lei
This paper examines the morphological plasticity, biomass accumulation, and biomass allocation of the native species Kandelia candel, which has been influenced by the alien species Sonneratia apetala. The experimental sample plots are located in Zhangzhou city, Zhangpu county, Fujian Province, in relation to the project, “Coastal wetland prevention and ecological restoration of Spartina demonstration bases in Dongshan Bay”, where four types of quadrats are established: a monoculture of K. candel with a planting space of 0.25 m × 0.25 m (Ⅰ), the alien species S. apetala with respective planting spacing of 0.5 m × 0.5 m (Ⅱ), 1 m × 1 m (Ⅲ), and 2 m × 2 m. (Ⅳ) is planted with K. candel at a planting space of 0.25 m × 0.25 m in an artificial mixed forest. The results show that the morphological indicators (H, D) and biomass (AGB, BGB, TB, R/S) of K. candel are significantly (or very significantly) lower in the three mixed sample plots than in the monoculture sample plot in different seasons. This suggests that by planting S. apetala with a decreased spacing, the morphological index and biomass of K. candel will significantly reduce. Morphological characteristics R/S and BGB show very significantly allometric relations with AGB. In addition, the allomatric relation index and coefficient of determination of mixed sample plots are significantly lower than that of K. candel in the monoculture sample plot, and with a decrease in the planting space of S. apetala there is a significantly decreasing trend in the slope between BGB and BGB. These results imply that K. candel underwent an ontogenetic drift and that the morphological plasticity, biomass accumulation, biomass growth rate, and biomass pattern are significantly inhibited to some extent by planting S. apetala. The ontogenetic drift is more obvious with a decrease in the S. apetala planting spacing, and the inhibition of morphological plasticity, biomass accumulation, biomass growth rate, and biomass pattern of K. candel is significantly strengthened to some extent. Results show that the alien species S. apetala uses a number of methods to invade the native species K. candel.
Key words:  Sonneratia apetala  Kandelia candel  biomass  allometry  root to shoot mass ratio  invasion
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