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引用本文:成印河,梁广建,朱凤芹,陈 建,纪文君,赵 辉.粤西沿岸海域潮汐特征[J].海洋科学,2017,41(6):111-118.
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成印河1, 梁广建2, 朱凤芹1, 陈 建1, 纪文君3, 赵 辉3
1.广东海洋大学 电子与信息工程学院海洋技术系;2.南海舰队水文气象中心;3.广东省近岸海洋变化与灾害重点实验室, 广东海洋大学海洋与气象学院
对粤西海域水东、湛江、硇州岛、南渡和海安验潮站各1年水位资料进行了调和分析及统计。结果表明: 粤西海域北部湛江、水东、硇洲岛、南渡4 站主要分潮为M2、K1、S2和O1, 是不规则半日潮; 而南部海安站主要分潮为O1和K1分潮, 是不规则日潮。粤西沿岸各站浅水分潮和平均水位从北到南有减小趋势。在日潮不等方面, 粤西沿岸验潮站都存在明显的日潮高、日潮时不等现象。日潮时不等总体上从北到南有降低的趋势, 北部湛江、水东和硇州岛涨潮时间比落潮长1~1.5 h, 南部南渡和海安两站涨、落潮时相差不大。另外, 调和分析和经验公式不再适用于南渡站, 南渡河入海口处堤闸工程是主要原因。这为粤西海域环境资源开发、航运活动等提供环境支持和保障。
关键词:  粤西沿岸  潮汐  调和分析  日潮不等
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41406041, 41776029); 广东省自然科学基金项目(2016A030313751); 广东省教育厅创新强校项目(GDOU2016050242); 广东海洋大学优秀青年教师专项人才培养特别资助项目(HDYQ2015008)
Tidal characteristics along coast of Western Guangdong Province
CHENG Yin-he,LIANG Guang-jian,ZHU Feng-qin,CHEN Jian,JI Wen-jun,ZHAO Hui
Based on one year of hourly elevations at the Shuidong, Zhanjiang, the Naozhou Island, Nandu, and Haian tidal stations, we investigated the tidal characteristics by harmonic and statistical analyses. The results show that the main significant constituents at all stations excepting the Haian station are the M2, K1, S2 and O1 bands and that the corresponding tidal type of the four stations is an irregular semidiurnal band in the north area of Western Guangdong. However, the tide for the Haian station in the south area of Western Guangdong mainly consists of the significant constituents O1 and K1, whose corresponding tidal type is an irregular diurnal band. Moreover, the shallow-water constituents and mean sea-surface elevations show a decreasing trend from north to south in the west sea of Guangdong. With respect to the diurnal inequality, all the stations exhibit a tidal height difference and an obviously large discrepancy in the tidal hour difference. The mean tidal hour difference between the flood and ebb tides seems to shorten from north to south along the coast of Western Guangdong. The time of the rising tide in the north of Western Guangdong is roughly 1 to 1.5 h longer than that of the falling tide and those in the south of Western Guangdong seem to be nearly equal. In addition, the tidal harmonic analysis and related empirical formula are inexact for the Nandu station, which is mainly due to the bounded bank and sluice gate system on the Nandu River estuary.
Key words:  coast of Western Guangdong  tide  harmonic analysis  diurnal inequality
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