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引用本文:张延青,李文亚,高霄龙,徐建平,李 贤,刘 鹰.皱纹盘鲍排氨率变化特征及代谢产物对水质的影响研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(7):23-30.
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张延青1, 李文亚1, 高霄龙2, 徐建平1, 李 贤2, 刘 鹰2,3
1.青岛理工大学;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所;3.大连海洋大学
为研究不同规格皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)的排氨率变化特征和代谢产物对养殖水质的影响, 于鲍摄食后的3、6、9、12、18、24 h时取水样对主要水质因子的变化情况进行测定, 并根据总氨氮(TAN)浓度计算各规格组鲍的排氨率。实验结果表明, 随着鲍体质量的增加, TAN浓度也随之增加(P<0.05), 大规格组和小规格组中TAN浓度均在9 h时出现第一个波峰。大、中、小规格组鲍的单位体质量排氨率最大值依次为16.79、29.96、48.56 μg/(g·h)。且小规格组鲍的排氨率显著高于大、中等规格组(P<0.05), 各规格组中的NO2--N和PO43--P浓度均在24 h时达到最大值, 且除0 h外, 大规格组中的NO2--N 和PO43--P 浓度均显著高于中、小规格组(P<0.05)。9 h时, 大规格组中的NO3--N浓度达到最大值, 而中等规格组则在24 h时达到最大值。18 h时, 中等规格和小规格组COD均达到最大值,而大规格组则是在24 h时浓度达到最大。因此, 基于皱纹盘鲍的排氨率变化特征和TAN等在水体中的累积情况, 可以预测水质变化规律并根据实际情况及时采取换水等相关操作, 对促进养殖生物健康生长、降低病害发生风险、提高养殖效益等均有借鉴意义。
关键词:  皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)  规格  排氨率  水质指标
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 41306152, 31472312, 31402283); 国家贝类产业技术体系项目(CARS-48); 农业部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室开放课题(2013-SDMFMA-KF-1); 江苏省重点研发计划项目(BE2015325)
Ammonia excretion rate of Haliotis discus hannai and effects of metabolite on water quality
ZHANG Yan-qing,LI Wen-ya,GAO Xiao-long,XU Jian-ping,LI Xian,LIU Ying
Ammonia excretion rates of Haliotis discus hannai of different sizes and the effect of its metabolites on water quality were investigated by collecting water samples at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 h after food intake to determine the changes in important water quality factors and calculate the ammonia excretion rate of each group based on TAN concentration. Experimental results showed that TAN concentration of large- and small-sized abalone groups reached the first peak at 9 h and increased with the body mass of abalone. The maximum ammonia excretion rates per unit weight of the large, medium, and small size groups were 16.79, 29.96, and 48.56 μg/(g·h), respectively. The ammonia excretion rate of the small-sized group was significantly higher than that of the medium- and large-sized groups. PO43--P and NO2--N concentrations of the small-, medium-, and large-sized groups reached the maximum value at 24 h, and the PO43--P and NO2--N concentrations of the large-sized group were significantly higher than those of the small- and medium-sized groups. NO3--N concentration of the large-sized group reached the maximum value at 9 h, whereas NO3--N concentration of the medium-sized group reached the maximum value at 24 h. COD concentration of the small- and medium-sized groups reached the maximum value at 18 h, whereas COD concentration of the large-sized group reached the maximum value at 24 h. Therefore, water exchange and other related processes after the food intake by the abalone H. hannai based on its ammonia excretion rate and water quality index accumulation in the water body will be somewhat referential to the promotion of the healthy growth of aquaculture organisms, reduction of disease incidence risk, and improvement of aquaculture efficiency.
Key words:  Abalone  Size  Ammonia excretion rate  Water quality indexes
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