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王艳君1, 金秉福1
鲁东大学 资源与环境工程学院
利用筛析-沉降法对黄河系及海河系沉积物进行了粒度特征分析, 黄河系沉积物以极细砂-粗粉砂为主, 分选性中等, 粒度分布正偏, 峰态曲线尖窄; 海河系沉积物以细粉砂为主, 分选性较差, 粒度分布正偏, 峰态曲线较平缓。测定黄河系及海河系沉积物碳酸盐的粒度百分含量及碳酸盐加权粒度百分含量, 结果表明: 黄河系沉积物碳酸盐粒度百分含量加权平均值为11.36%, 细砂碳酸盐粒度百分含量较高(15.24%), 随粒度越细波动式降低后逐步增加, 并在黏土富集, 达20.67%; 海河系沉积物中碳酸盐粒度百分含量加权平均值为15.05%, 比黄河系略高, 呈两端高中间低不对称鞍形粒度分布。黄河系与海河系碳酸盐粒度百分含量受粒度控制, 对全样碳酸盐贡献最大的粒度黄河系为粗粉砂, 海河系为细粉砂。黄河系全岩碳酸盐平均粒度百分含量与马兰黄土相近, 与黄渤海泥质区相当, 表明黄河沉积物的主要来源是马兰黄土, 黄河在沉积物搬运过程中对黄土碳酸盐没有明显改造, 黄河沉积物黏土组分是黄渤海泥质区沉积物高碳酸盐的主要影响因素。
关键词:  碳酸盐  粒度分布  沉积物  黄河系  海河系
Comparative analysis of carbonates in sediments of the Yellow River and the Haihe River estuaries
WANG Yan-jun,JIN Bing-fu
The sediment sieve settlement method is used to analyze graunulometry of sediments in the Yellow River and the Haihe River systems. Sediments in the Yellow River are very fine sand and coarse silt with medium sorting, and statistical analysis shows a positive skewness in the size distribution with a narrow kurtosis curve. The Haihe River sediment is fine silt with poor sorting, a partial size distribution, and a relatively flat kurtosis curve. The carbonate content of different grain sizes in the Yellow River and the Haihe River sediments is measured in addition to the proportion of whole carbonate; results show an average carbonate content of carbonate sediments in the Yellow River of 11.36%; the fine-sand grain content is higher at an average of 15.24% (the level of fluctuation gradually decreases with an increase in the grain size), and there is an average enrichment in the clay part of 20.67%; The average carbonate content in the Haihe River sediments is 15.05%, therefore slightly higher than in the Yellow River, and shows a low-asymmetric saddle size distribution at both ends. The proportion of carbonate in both rivers is controlled by particle size; in the Yellow River the coarse-grained silt has the greatest contribution to whole carbonate, whereas in the Haihe River the fine powder has the greatest contribution. The main rocks of the Yellow River are similar to the carbonate content of Malan loess, which is equivalent to the carbonate content in the muddy area of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, thereby indicating that the main source of the Yellow River sediments is the Malan loess. There is no evident modification of the carbonate content in the process of sediment transport in the Yellow River, and the main factors influencing the high carbonate content of the muddy area of the Yellow Sea are the fine elements from the Yellow River.
Key words:  carbonate  grain size distribution  sediment  the Yellow River System  the Haihe River System
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