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引用本文:王 俊,何海霞,陈 凯,刘 妍,张 英,柯宏伟,蔡明刚.基于DPSIR模型的山东半岛蓝色经济区海洋生态可持续发展能力综合评价[J].海洋科学,2017,41(7):129-136.
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王 俊1,2, 何海霞3, 陈 凯3, 刘 妍1,2, 张 英4, 柯宏伟1, 蔡明刚1,3
1.厦门大学 海洋与地球学院;2.中国海洋大学 经济学院;3.厦门大学 海洋与海岸带发展研究院;4.山东师范大学 地理与环境学院
山东半岛作为我国最大的半岛, 其地理位置决定了海洋生态可持续发展对其的重要性。本文使用DPSIR(驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应)模型, 结合社会经济和自然生态两个方面搭建指标体系评估其蓝色经济区生态可持续发展能力。结果表明: 山东半岛承受的社会经济压力正不断增大。海洋生态系统综合状态评价值为0.53, 其中海水、沉积物质量及生物综合评价值分别为0.22、0.19 及0.123, 生态环境现状不容乐观。影响和响应评价值分别为2.5和4.3, 海洋灾害的影响范围较大, 危害程度较深, 但海洋管理部门在面对生态环境变化时的反应较为迅速、有效。
关键词:  DPSIR 模型  沿岸海域  山东半岛  蓝色经济  生态可持续发展
DPSIR Model-based Assessment of ecologically sustainable development in Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone
WANG Jun,HE Hai-xia,CHEN Kai,LIU Yan,ZHANG Ying,KE Hong-wei,CAI Ming-gang
Shandong Peninsula is the largest peninsulas in China and its geographical position plays a vital role in its ecological health. In this paper, we used the Driving-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model, combined with social economic and natural ecological parameters, to establish an ecologically sustainable development evaluation index system. The results show there to be increasing social and economic pressures on the Shandong Peninsula, and the comprehensive state evaluation value for its ecological system is 0.5313. The water, sediment and biological quality values are 0.22, 0.19, and 0.123, respectively. Current conditions are not encouraging. The impact indicator and response indicator values are 2.5 and 4.7, respectively, which indicates that marine disasters have great influence on the Peninsula and can cause serious damage, although the government’s response to changes in the ecological environment is typically quick and efficient.
Key words:  DPSIR model  Coastal sea area  Shandong Peninsula  Blue Economic Zone  Ecologically sustainable development
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