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引用本文:官 晟,何志强,金久才,王岩峰.一种新型双体无人监测船风力作用下的运动特性变化预报研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(8):70-75.
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官 晟1,2, 何志强3, 金久才1, 王岩峰1,2
1.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所;2.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室 区域海洋动力学与数值模拟功能实验室;3.中国船舶重工集团公司 第七一五研究所
小型双体无人监测船运行平稳,甲板尺寸大, 吃水浅, 在水环境监测、工程测量、巡逻跟踪、水产养殖等领域具有广阔的发展与应用前景。但该类船风阻大, 水动力复杂, 运动特性在风力作用下变化明显。本文对双体无人监测船的风作用力进行了分析, 将风作用项引入其动力学模型。利用该模型, 对其主要运动特性进行了仿真预报。仿真结果与现场实测数据具有良好的一致性。该研究结果可以为新型双体无人监测船运动控制算法在不同风作用环境下的适应性调整提供依据, 从而提高其海上作业能力与控制精度。
关键词:  双体船  风力作用  运动特性  仿真预报
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目“长航程水下滑翔机研制与海试应用”(2016YFC031100); 国家重点研发计划“长航程水下滑翔机海试验证与应用”(2016YFC03011033); 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)“波浪滑翔器无人自主海洋环境观测系统”(2014AA09A508)
Prediction of change in motion characteristics of marine-monitoring two-body unmanned surface vehicle by wind force
GUAN Sheng,HE Zhi-qiang,JIN Jiu-cai,WANG Yan-feng
Small two-body marine-monitoring unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) sail smoothly with a larger deck and shallower draft than other common ships. USVs can be widely used in water environmental monitoring, engineering surveying, and security patrolling. However, the motion characteristics of aracteristics of this two-body ship are significant in complicated hydrodynamic environments and strong wind forces. In this paper, we studied the wind influence on the USV by wind forces introduced into a dynamic model and used our model to predict the USV’s motion characteristics induced by these wind forces. We found the simulation results to be fairly consistent with observed. As such, to further improve the USV’s working capability and control accuracy, we proved the usefulness of this model for the development of a control algorithm for determining the USV’s adaptability under different wind environments.
Key words:  two-body unmanned surf ace vehicle  wind effects  motion characteristics  simulation and prediction
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