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袁文斌1, 李长保1, 焦海峰2, 林志华1, 包永波1
基于线粒体CO1基因的序列, 对渔山列岛, 大连獐子岛, 南麂列岛, 山东南隍城乡, 舟山嵊泗5个野生群体的厚壳贻贝进行遗传多样性和遗传结构的分析。结果表明: 在mtDNACO1基因同源片段上共检测到了39个多态位点, 其中39个简约信息位点, 无单突变位点, 构成40个单倍型, 群体遗传多样性水平为: 渔山>山东>大连>舟山>南麂; 然而单倍型多样性却是山东>渔山>南麂>大连>舟山。分子进化树和单倍型网络关系图构建结果显示: 5个群体之间分为3个单倍型类群(A、B、C), 其中A类群含15个单倍型, B类群含23个单倍型, C类群含2个单倍型(均为渔山列岛的单倍型), 其中渔山列岛的单倍型在上述三个类群中都有分布。3个单倍型类群间的遗传距离为0.0099~0.0268。渔山列岛群体内遗传分化较为显著, 其他4个群体间未检测到显著的遗传分化。
关键词:  CO1基因  遗传资源  渔山列岛  厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)  单倍型
基金项目:浙江省公益性项目(2016C33090); 宁波市农业科技攻关项目(2014C10018)
Genetic resources assessment of mussel Mytilus coruscus based on CO1 gene in Yushan Island
YUAN Wen-bin,LI Chang-bao,JIAO Hai-feng,LIN Zhi-hua,BAO Yong-bo
Partial nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA CO1gene were sequenced and analyzed to estimate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of Mytilus coruscus populations in Yushan island, Zhangzi island of Dalian, Nanji island, Nanhuangcheng islands of Shandong, and Shengsi island of Zhoushan populations. In the mtDNA, homologous fragments of CO1 gene were detected in 39 polymorphic sites, including 39 parsimony informative sites, no single mutation, 40 haplotypes were identified. The results of the genetic diversity level ranging from high to low were as follows: Yushan, Shandong, Dalian, Zhoushan, and Nanji populations. The haplotype diversity ranging from high to low was as follows: Shandong, Yushan, Nanji, Dalian, and Zhoushan populations. Three genealogical clades (A, B, C) were checked in the M. coruscus populations in NJ and MST analyses. Genealogical clade-A was found to have 15 haplotypes, 13 in genealogical clade-B, and 2 in genealogical-C (all of them are haplotypes of the Yushan Island). The Yushan island’s haplotypes were disturbed in three genealogical clades, the genetic distances among the clades ranged from 0.0099 to 0.0268. The genetic differentiation of Yushan population was higher than that of the other four populations.
Key words:  CO1 gene  Genetic resources  Yushan Island  Mytilus coruscus  haplotype
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