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引用本文:李永仁,张 超,梁 健,郭永军.天津潮间带春季贝类资源调查[J].海洋科学,2017,41(11):113-118.
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李永仁1, 张 超1, 梁 健1, 郭永军1
天津农学院 水产科学系 天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室
为研究天津潮间带贝类资源的分布特征, 2017年5月, 作者对天津滩涂开展贝类资源调查。共采集贝类30种, 分属2纲、4亚纲、10目、19科, 在汉沽鲤鱼门、大港减河口、大港滨海湿地分别采集贝类20种、19种、19种; 高潮区、中潮区、低潮区分别采集贝类11种、22种、10种; H'值大小顺序为鲤鱼门>滨海湿地>减河口, 中潮区>高潮区>低潮区; 经济贝类主要分布于中潮区, 鲤鱼门与减河口滩涂的优势经济种均为菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum), 生物量分别为562.8、828.5 g/m2, 滨海湿地的优势经济种为四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis), 生物量为1 403.8 g/m2。对比2013 年, 大港减河口滩涂的贝类种数及生物量均升高, 鲤鱼门滩涂的贝类种数增加, 滨海湿地滩涂的贝类资源为首次报道。
关键词:  天津  潮间带  贝类资源
基金项目:天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划项目(15JCYBJC30400);天津市优秀科技特派员科研专项(16JCTPJC46200); 天津市农业科技成果转化与推广项目(201602050); 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS49); 天津市现代产业技术体系-水产-贝类养殖岗位(ITTFRS2017013);天津市种业科技重大专项(17ZXZYNC00020)
Survey on molluscs resources in the spring of intertidal zone from Tianjin
LI Yong-ren,ZHANG Chao,LIANG Jian,GUO Yong-jun
Based on the analysis of molluscs samples collected in the intertidal zones along three beaches from Tianjin in May 2017, the feature of the distribution of molluscs’ resources were derived. The shellfish species components in this area included 2 classes, 4 subclasses, 10 orders, 19 families, and 30 species. There were 20, 19, and 19 species in Liyumen of Hangu, Duliujian river estuary, and Dagang Coastal wetland, respectively; 11, 22, and 10 species in the high tidal region, middle tidal region, and low tidal region, respectively. The sequence of Shannon–Weaver index (H') was as follows: Liyumen > Coastal wetland > Duliujian river estuary, middle tidal zone > high tidal zone > low tidal zone. Economic shellfish distributed mainly in the middle tidal zone. The dominant economic species were Ruditapes philippinarum in Liyumen and Duliujian river estuary, but Mactra veneriformis in Dagang Coastal wetland with the average biomass of 562.8, 828.5, and 1403.8 g/m2 respectively. Compared with 2013, the species and biomass increased in Duliujian river estuary, the species were increased in Liyumen beach, and it was reported for the first time in the Dagang Coastal wetland.
Key words:  Tianjin  intertidal zone  molluscs resources
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