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引用本文:蔡茂荣,罗 鋆,林国华,黄明松,卓鸣莺,李友松,程由注.沼蜷属螺一新种记述(腹足纲: 黑贝科)[J].海洋科学,2017,41(11):134-137.
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沼蜷属螺一新种记述(腹足纲: 黑贝科)
蔡茂荣1, 罗 鋆1, 林国华2, 黄明松2, 卓鸣莺3, 李友松4, 程由注4
探讨并殖吸虫螺类宿主自然资源。发现采自福建北部的沼蜷属螺Paludomus一新种, 命名为闽北沼蜷。参照《医学贝类学》和相关文献进行形态描述。正模(FJ6135)壳高18.15 mm, 壳宽 13.46 mm, 壳口高14.05 mm, 壳口宽8.04 mm。产地武夷山九曲溪。螺层5层, 顶层及原壳层多缺失, 螺面呈绿褐色, 各螺层宽度上向体螺层增长迅速, 体螺层大而膨胀, 其高度上约占全部高度的4/5。齿舌中央齿呈尖峰状, 中部支齿大而突出。内缘齿单支而宽大, 两侧缘各有3或5枚不甚突出小齿, 分布不对称, 排列公式: 3-1-3, 3-1-5(3),7, 5。本新种可与黔沼蜷(P.quianensis Liu et al, 1994)、带沼蜷(P.cinctus Liu et al, 1994 )比较鉴别。
关键词:  黑贝科  沼蜷属  新种  贝壳  齿舌
基金项目:福建省漳州市自然科学基金项目(ZZ2017J09); 漳州市重点科技计划项目(ZZ2017ZD05)
A new species of Paludomus Snail (Gastropoda: Pleurceridae)
CAI Mao-rong,LUO Jun,LIN Guo-hua,HUANG Ming-song,ZHUO Ming-ying,LI You-song,CHENG You-zhu
The authors reported a new species of Paludomus from the northern part of Fujian province, named as the northern part of Min. With reference to “medical malacology” and related literature to conduct morphological description, the new species was holotype (FJ6315), with a height of 18.15 mm, width of 13.46 mm, height of aperture of 14.05 mm, and width of aperture of 8.04 mm. The new species has an origin in Wuyi Mountain Jiuqu Creek. It has a height of 16.25 (14.83–19.01) mm, width of 10.20 (9.14–12.90) mm, height of 10.64 (9.60–12.56) mm, and width of 7.01 (5.89–8.38) mm. The species had five convex whorls. Most of its apex and the original shell were missing, and the species was increasing rapidly with a large and inflated body whorl of about 4/5 the height of shell. Its central radula was spiked, the central branch radula was big and prominent, the inner edge radula was single and wide, each having 3 or 5 non-prominent teeth at both sides of the edge, asymmetry. Radula formula: 3-1-3, 3-1-5(3), 7, 5 which identified with Semisulcospira libertina, Paludomus qianensis (P.quianensis Liu et al, 1994)and Paludomus cinctus (P. cinctus Liu et al, 1994)
Key words:  Pleurceridae  Paludomus  New species  Shell type  Radula
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