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引用本文:孟 乾,李 琪,张景晓.水温和盐度对长牡蛎“海大1号”早期生长发育的影响[J].海洋科学,2017,41(12):32-37.
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孟 乾1, 李 琪1, 张景晓1
中国海洋大学 海水养殖教育部重点实验室
为确定长牡蛎新品种“海大1号”苗种繁育的最适环境条件, 研究了盐度对其胚胎发育的影响以及盐度、水温对其幼虫生长、存活率和附着率的影响。结果表明: 长牡蛎“海大1号”受精卵孵化的最适盐度为30~35, 孵化率最高可达90%。幼虫生长的适宜盐度为20~35, 最适盐度为20~30; 存活的适宜盐度为20~35, 最适盐度为20~25; 幼虫附着的适宜盐度为20~35, 最适盐度为25~30; 对长牡蛎“海大1号”幼虫生长、存活、附着的适宜水温分别为为20~30℃、20~25℃、20~30℃, 最适水温分别为30、25、30℃, 高温35℃时幼虫全部死亡。综上, 长牡蛎“海大1号”苗种培育的适宜盐度为20~35, 适宜水温为20~25℃。上述结果为长牡蛎“海大1号”规模化苗种繁育提供了重要的基础资料。
关键词:  长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)  水温  盐度  胚胎  幼虫  海大1号
Effect of temperature and salinity on embryonic development, growth, survival, and setting of the Pacific oyster “Haida No.1” larvae
MENG Qian,LI Qi,ZHANG Jing-xiao
This study examined the effect of temperature/salinity on embryos and larvae to verify the favorable and optimal temperature and salinity for the Pacific oyster “Haida No.1.” The highest hatchability of fertilized eggs was 90% under the salinity 30–35. The salinity ranges 20–35, 20–35, and 20–35 were suitable and 20–30, 20–25, and 25–30 were optimal for the growth, survival, and setting of larvae, respectively. The temperature ranges 20–30°C, 20–25°C, and 20–30°C were suitable and the temperatures 30, 25, and 30°C were optimal for the growth, survival, and setting of larvae, respectively. When the temperature reached 35°C, all larvae were dead. The results obtained in this study will contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of mass aquaculture of the Pacific oyster “Haida No.1” larvae.
Key words:  Crassostrea gigas  temperature  salinity  embryos  larvae  “Haida No.1”
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