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引用本文:胡 聪,毛海英,尤再进,石洪源,高 松.中国海域波浪能资源分布及波浪能发电装置适用性研究[J].海洋科学,2018,42(3):142-148.
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胡 聪1, 毛海英1, 尤再进1, 石洪源1, 高 松2
1.鲁东大学 土木工程学院;2.国家海洋局北海预报中心
首先全面综述了国内外波浪能资源开发利用现状, 系统总结了目前国内外海洋波浪能资源发电技术中应用的主要波浪能资源开发装置及存在问题; 基于ERA-Interim再分析数据, 给出了中国海域的平均波浪能流密度和季节特征, 从而获取高波能资源分布区域, 得到了中国海域波浪能资源分布富集区域; 结合不同海岸岸线及海底类型, 综合给出了中国波能资源富集区域中发电装置适用建议、高峰发电季节。对提高我国波浪能资源开发利用、推动海洋可再生能源行业的发展具有重要意义, 也为实用化、商业化海洋波浪能资源选址提供了科学依据。
关键词:  波浪能资源  中国海域  ERA-Interim  发电装置
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(ZR2017BEE047);国家海洋局海洋能专项(GHME2014ZC01); 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(201710451004)
Study on the distribution of wave energy resources in China and the applicability of wave energy generation device
HU Cong,MAO Hai-ying,YOU Zai-jin,SHI Hong-yuan,GAO Song
The development and utilization of wave energy at home and abroad are described, and the main wave energy resource development devices used in ocean wave energy generation technology are summarized, as well as the existing challenges. Distribution of wave energy in China during 1985–2015 is calculated and analyzed by ERA-Interim to obtain the annual wave energy density distribution, and consequently the high wave energy resource distribution area. According to the different coastlines and bottom types, this paper presents China wave energy generation devices and power generation peak seasons for considered enrichment areas, which are very significant to improve the development of wave energy resources and promote the development of the renewable energy industry in China, as well as provide a scientific basis for practical and commercial ocean wave energy resource selection.
Key words:  wave energy resources  China sea  ERA-Interim  power devices
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