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宋旻鹏1, 汪金海1, 郑小东1
海水养殖教育部重点实验室, 中国海洋大学
头足类(Cephalopods)是软体动物门的重要组成部分, 在中国海洋渔业中占有重要的经济地位。开展头足类增养殖, 对于保护中国种质资源、提高头足类产量具有重要意义。本文就目前中国主要的经济头足类, 包括金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)、拟目乌贼(S. lycidas)、虎斑乌贼(S. pharaonis)、无针乌贼(Sepiella japonica)、长蛸(Octopus minor)、真蛸(O. vulgaris)以及短蛸(Amphioctopus fangsiao)的繁殖习性、幼体培育、成体养成等各阶段生活史的研究进展和存在问题进行阐述, 并对其发展前景进行展望,旨在为中国头足类养殖产业提供借鉴。
关键词:  头足类  繁殖习性  幼体培育  增养殖
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项(201822022); 2016 年山东省重大农业应用创新项目
Present Situation and Prospect of Economic Cephalopod Aquaculture in China
SONG Min-peng,WANG Jin-hai,ZHENG Xiao-dong
Cephalopods are a type of important members of Mollusca, which occupy an integral economic status in marine fisheries of China. The development of cephalopod aquaculture is important for germplasm protection and increasing production. This review elaborates the research progress and challenges of the current economic cephalopod aquaculture, including Sepia esculenta, S. lycidas, S. pharaonis, Sepiella japonica, Octopus minor, O. vulgaris, and Amphioctopus fangsiao. The reproductive habit, larval cultivation, adult nurturance, and other stages of life history are also described in detail. Furthermore, the prospect of the development of these species is expected to provide a reference for future industrial aquaculture.
Key words:  Cephalopods  reproductive habit  larval cultivation  culture and proliferation
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