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引用本文:杜逢超,徐艳东,于 宁,杜冰青.近40年芝罘湾岸线时空演变及围填海活动评价[J].海洋科学,2018,42(4):28-35.
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杜逢超1, 徐艳东1, 于 宁1, 杜冰青1
利用1975、1985、1995、2005和2015年5期Landsat影像对烟台芝罘湾海岸线40年的时空变化进行了分析, 在此基础上, 对围填海活动进行开发强度评价和潜力预测, 结果表明, (1)40年间, 芝罘湾岸线以向海方向运动为主, 岸线长度增加13.09 km, 湾顶部岸线变化强烈, 海湾面积以大约0.19 km2 /a的速度持续缩小; (2)岸线类型已由最初自然岸线为主转变为以人工岸线占绝对优势, 其中, 港口、码头类型岸线长度增速为0.52 km/a, 是引起岸线向海变化的主要岸线类型; (3)沿岸开发活动长期以围填海为主导, 利用强度持续增强。至2015年, 芝罘湾围填海可利用面积约为2.57 km2 , 照目前的开发速度, 预计大约15~16 a后到达围填海潜力极限, 节约、集约用海尤为重要。
关键词:  海岸线  芝罘湾  时空演变  围填海开发评价
Spatiotemporal evolution of the shoreline and evaluation of sea reclamation during the recent 40 years in the Zhifu Bay
DU Feng-chao,XU Yan-dong,YU ning,DU Bing-qing
Shorelines in the Zhifu Bay, Yantai City are extracted from Landsat satellite image data for the years of 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, and 2015. The spatiotemporal evolutions of shorelines are analyzed, and the corresponding sea reclamation intensity and potential are evaluated and predicted for the recent 40 years. The results show that (1) the spatial locations of shorelines are mainly advancing seaward, the length of shoreline has increased by 13.09 km, rapid variation of the shoreline has appeared at the top of the bay, and the total area of the Zhifu Bay decreased continuously at an average rate of 0.19 km2/a; (2) natural shoreline was originally the primary type, which now has been almost entirely replaced by artificial shoreline, and the port and wharf shoreline increased at a rate of 0.52 km/a, which is the main cause of shoreline seaward movement; and (3) development activities were dominated by sea reclamation for a long time, and the utilization intensity has strengthened continuously. By 2015, the area available for sea reclamation was approximately 2.57 km2. This research predicted that the reclamation potential would reach its limit after 15–16 years based on the current utilization rate. Both saving and intensive use of sea area are very important.
Key words:  shoreline  the Zhifu Bay  spatiotemporal evolution  sea reclamation utilization evaluation
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