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引用本文:朱龙海,张自豪,刘志杰,徐永臣,王 楠,苗晓明.山东半岛东部海域表层沉积物微量元素分布及物源指示意义[J].海洋科学,2018,42(5):1-11.
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朱龙海1,2, 张自豪1, 刘志杰3, 徐永臣4, 王 楠4, 苗晓明1
1.中国海洋大学 海洋地球科学学院;2.中国海洋大学 海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室;3.国家海洋信息中心;4.中国海洋大学
依据山东半岛东部海域79个站位表层沉积物微量元素测试结果, 分析了研究区微量元素含量空间分布特征, 识别了沉积物来源, 探讨了其控制因素和沉积物输运模式。结果表明, 研究区表层沉积物微量元素中Ba和Sr平均质量比最高, 分别为465μg/g和198μg/g; Ba含量整体呈中间低、四周高的趋势; Sr整体呈近岸高、离岸低的分布特征。除Ba和Sr外, Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Co和V含量空间分布特征基本一致, 整体呈近岸低、离岸高的分布特征。通过m(Cr)/m(V)-m(Ni)(m表示元素质量比, μg/g)散点图判别, 研究区沉积物主要来源于黄河物质, 南部可能有少量长江物质输入。微量元素的分布受物源和粒度效应的控制。研究区微量元素除Ba、Sr外, 其余元素与平均粒径呈正相关, Sr元素则与平均粒径呈负相关性, Ba与沉积物粒径无明显相关性。黄海沿岸流携带黄河物质绕过成山头后在研究区发生沉积, 同时受到北上黄海暖流的阻隔, 在研究区南部发生混合扩散后沉积。研究成果对于补充完善山东半岛泥质区的物源和输运机制具有重要意义。
关键词:  山东半岛  表层沉积物  微量元素  物质来源  聚类分析
The distribution of trace elements of the surface sediments in the eastern Shandong Peninsula and its indication significance
ZHU Long-hai,ZHANG Zi-hao,LIU Zhi-jie,XU Yong-chen,WANG Nan,MIAO Xiao-ming
Based on the test results of trace elements in the surface sediments collected from 79 stations in the eastern part of the Shandong Peninsula, the spatial distribution characteristics of the trace elements in the study area were analyzed, the source of the sediment was identified, and the controlling factors and the sediment transport patterns were determined. The average contents of Ba (465 μg/g) and Sr (198 μg/g) in the surface sediments of the study area were found to be the highest, whereas the content of Ba was low in the middle area and high in the surrounding area. The Sr content was overall high in the shore and low in the offshore. In addition to Ba and Sr, the spatial distribution characteristics of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, and V were basically similar, and the entire distribution was low near the shore and high in the offshore. Scatter plot analysis of m(Cr)/m(V)-m(Ni) showed that the sediments in the study area were primarily derived from the Yellow River, and there may be a small amount of the Yangtze River material input in the south. The distribution of trace elements was regulated by the source and particle size effect. Except for Ba and Sr, the distribution of trace elements in the study area showed a positive correlation with the mean grain size, whereas the distribution of Sr negatively correlated with the mean grain size, and there was no obvious correlation between Ba distribution and sediment grain size. The Yellow Sea coast carrying the Yellow River material bypasses Chengshantou and deposits in the study area, while at the same time, it is blocked by the Yellow Sea Current to the north and is mixed and diffused in the southern part of the study area. The results of this study are of great significance for the replenishment and improvement of the provenance and transport mechanism of the Shandong Peninsula muddy area.
Key words:  the Shandong Peninsula  surface sediment  trace elements  material source  cluster analysis
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