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引用本文:魏 巍,王伟平,黎广媚,张志强,张丞杰,贺惠忠,谢武锋,殷征欣,李正元.火箭助推器残骸海上落区监测技术探索与实践[J].海洋科学,2018,42(6):116-122.
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魏 巍1,2, 王伟平1, 黎广媚3, 张志强3, 张丞杰3, 贺惠忠1, 谢武锋3, 殷征欣1, 李正元1
1.国家海洋局南海调查技术中心;2.中国海洋大学 环境科学与工程学院;3.国家海洋局南海分局
针对火箭助推器残骸海上落区监测面临的挑战, 对助推器残骸海上监测内容、监测平台、关键技术进行了研究, 提出了助推器残骸海上监测技术路线。在此基础上, 成功实施了长征五号运载火箭的监测任务, 为研究火箭残骸再入及解体规律, 完善落区设计与选择提供技术支撑。最后给出了火箭残骸海上监测技术研究的发展方向和内容, 以期对后续工作提供有益参考。
关键词:  火箭助推器  监测技术  海上落区  残骸
Exploration and practice of technology on observing launch vehicle booster on the sea
WEI Wei,WANG Wei-ping,LI Guang -mei,ZHANG Zhi-qiang,ZHANG Cheng-jie,HE Hui-zhong,XIE Wu-feng,YIN Zheng-xin,LI Zheng-yuan
Aiming at the challenges faced by observing Launch vehicle booster on the sea, the study on the the content of observation and platform and key technoloy is implemented. The technoloy system which integrated optics and electromagnetics and physics oceanography methods to observe Launch vehicle booster on the sea is provided On this basis, the observation task of Launching process of CZ-5 has been successfully carried out. It provides technical support for the research of the laws of reentry and disintegration of rocket debris and the design and selection of the drop zone. For the purpose of providing beneficinal reference for the technology innovation in the future, the suggestions for developing marine tracking and telemetry technology of rocket are proposed.
Key words:  launch vehicle booster  tracking and telemetry technology  area of level point  rocket’s debris
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