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引用本文:陈俊天,李淑江,孙俊川,王新怡,连 展,王永刚.海上危化品漂移扩散数值模拟研究进展[J].海洋科学,2018,42(7):158-166.
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陈俊天1,2, 李淑江1,2, 孙俊川1,2, 王新怡1,2, 连 展1,2, 王永刚1,2
1.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所;2.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室 区域海洋动力学和数值模拟功能实验室
近几年, 海上危化品泄漏事故频发, 对海洋生态环境造成了严重影响, 而有关海上危化品漂移扩散数值模拟的研究还处于起步阶段。本文依据危险化学品的理化性质及其泄漏进入海水后的扩散行为的不同, 将目前常见的海运危险化学品划分为4大类: 海面漂移型、溶解扩散型、悬浮输移型和易挥发型。在此分类的基础上, 总结归纳了国内外现有的适用于海上危化品漂移扩散的数值模型, 对于未来海上危化品泄漏扩散快速预报、精细化预报模型的建立以及危化品泄漏的应急处置具有一定的参考价值。
关键词:  危化品  漂移扩散  数值模拟
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1402404, 2016YFC1402304);国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)(2013AA09A506)
Progress and perspective on numerical simulation of hazardous chemicals’ drift-diffusion in the sea
CHEN Jun-tian,LI Shu-jiang,SUN Jun-chuan,WANG Xin-yi,LIAN Zhan,WANG Yong-gang
In recent years, the accidents of hazardous chemicals’ leakage in the sea became more frequent, which have seriously affected the marine ecological environment. However, the research on numerical simulation of marine hazardous chemicals’ drift-diffusion is still in its infancy. According to the physical and chemical properties of hazardous chemicals and their diffusion behavior in the sea after leakage, the current common marine hazardous chemicals can be divided into four categories in this paper: sea-surface drift type, dissolved-diffusion type, suspend-transport type and volatilization type. On the basis of this classification, we summed up the domestic and international existing numerical models that applied to hazardous chemicals’ drift-diffusion, which has certain guiding significance on hazardous chemicals’ emergency disposal and the establishment of fast and refined prediction models of hazardous chemicals’ drift-diffusion in the sea.
Key words:  hazardous chemicals  drift-diffusion  numerical simulation
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