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引用本文:王新怡,孙宝楠,王立伟,连 展.岛屿环流理论发展回顾及展望[J].海洋科学,2018,42(8):122-130.
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王新怡1,2,3, 孙宝楠1,2,3, 王立伟1,2,3, 连 展1,2,3
为了寻找岛屿环流理论进一步发展的突破口, 使其在长期气候变化背景下海洋的响应以及深海环流等海洋领域前沿研究方向中继续起到指导作用, 首先回顾了岛屿环流理论的发展过程, 对其重要的发展里程碑和实际应用进行了系统梳理。同时, 对岛屿环流理论未来进一步丰富发展的重点方向进行了展望。分析结果显示, 该理论仍存在深入发掘的潜力, 可在积分路径设计、时间变化项的影响和地形及斜压效应的影响等多方面进行细节修正和补充, 拓展其应用的时间和空间尺度。
关键词:  岛屿环流理论  积分路径设计  时间变化项  地形和斜压效应
基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(GY0217Q06); 国家自然科学基金(41506037)
Review and outlook of the island rule
WANG Xin-yi,SUN Bao-nan,WANG Li-wei,LIAN Zhan
The island rule is a classical theoretical tool with simple expression. It can be used to capture the main element and concisely express the dominating mechanism that can control the circulation around the island, and then present a reasonable diagnostic result. This method may be significant in the contemporary ocean study. It will guide many cutting-edge research orientations, such as the response of ocean to the long-term climate change and abyssal ocean circulation. In this paper, the island rule development process is reviewed, and the important milestones and practical applications are analyzed. Meanwhile, the future direction of the development of this method is analyzed. The analysis shows that this theory has abundant development potential; it can be further supplemented and revised in details through some ways, such as the design of path integral, the impact from time-dependent term, and the impacts from the variable depth term and baroclinic term. The suitable practical spatial and temporal scales of this theory need to be broadened.
Key words:  island rule theory  design of path integral: time-dependent term  variable depth term and baroclinic term
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