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1.中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 山东 烟台 264003;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所, 山东 青岛 266071;3.中国科学院 海岸带环境过程与生态修复重点实验室, 山东 烟台 264003
关键词:  曹妃甸  围填海  近海环境  可持续发展
A review of the impacts of the Caofeidian reclamation project on the offshore environment
LI Dong1,2,3,4, HOU Xi-yong1,3,4, ZHANG Hua1,3,4
1.Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 264003, China;2.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science, Qingdao 266071, China;3.Key Laboratory of Coastal Environ & shy;4.mental Processes and Ecological Remediation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 264003, China
The obvious regional advantages, unique geographical features, and strong resource support make Caofeidian a natural deep-water port in northern China. With the development and construction of maritime industrial areas in Caofeidian, the economic integration process in the Bohai Sea Rim will be greatly accelerated. While the large-scale reclamation project has brought significant social and economic benefits, it also has also had a huge influence on the offshore environment. Based on previous investigations and studies, this paper first introduces the general situation of the Caofeidian Sea and background of the reclamation project. Subsequently, the impacts of the Caofeidian reclamation project on the offshore environment were elaborated from four aspects including landscape, dynamics, pollution, and biodiversity. Finally, some suggestions, such as basic research reinforcement, assessment methods optimization, management system implementation, and ecological compensation diversification, were put forward to provide some scientific support for the sustainable development of the Caofeidian reclamation area.
Key words:  Caofeidian  reclamation  offshore environment  sustainable development
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