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王泽斌, 张树林
摘 要:为了解天津近海鱼类群落结构和食性功能群结构的组成,于2018年4月、6—11月采用底拖网采样对该海域鱼类资源进行调查,以阐明天津近海鱼类资源群落结构和食性功能群结构现状。结果表明:本次调查共捕获鱼类23种,隶属于6目14科20属,其中鲱形目6种,胡瓜鱼目1种,鲉形目1种,鲻形目1种,鲈形目12种,鲽形目2种。月间优势种以小型鱼类为主,其中矛尾鰕虎鱼为各月共有优势种。根据鱼类栖所类型划分,大陆架浅水底层鱼类9种,大陆架浅水中上层鱼类7种,大陆架浅水中底层鱼类共4种,大陆架岩礁性鱼类2种,大陆架大洋洄游性中上层鱼类1种。根据鱼类适温类型划分,暖温性鱼类15种,暖水性鱼类6种,冷温性鱼类2种。据月间CLUSTER聚类和MDS分析结果可知,天津海域月间鱼类群落结构分为3个群组,其中6—9月为一组,10、11月为一组,4月为一组。根据各鱼种食物组成的出现频率百分比组成进行聚类分析,天津近海鱼类群落由6个功能群组成,包括浮游动物食性功能群、 广食性功能群、杂食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群、鱼食性功能群和底栖动物食性功能群。研究表明,天津近海鱼类种类较少,且以小型鱼类为主,以杂食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群和浮游动物食性功能群为主要功能群。
关键词:  鱼类组成  群落结构  功能群
Preliminary study on fish community structure and feeding habits in Tianjin Coastal Waters
wangzebin, zhangshulin
Tianjin Agricultural University
Abstract: Investigation of fish resources in Tianjin Coastal Waters using bottom trawl sampling in April, June-Novemberr 2018, to understand the composition of fish community structure and diet functional group structure, and to clarify the community structure of fish resources and the structure of dietary functional groups in Tianjin Coastal Waters. The results show that a total 23 fish species were caught, belonging to 6 orders, 14 families and 20 genus, the specimens included 6 Clupeiformes, 1 Osmeriformes, 1 Scorpaeniformes, 1 Mugiliformes, 12 Perciformes, 2 Pleuronectiformes. The dominant species in the month are mainly small fish, among which Chaeturichthys stigmatias is the dominant species of each month. There were 9 continental shelf demersal fish species,7 continental shelf pelagic-neritic fish species, 4 continental shelf benthopelagic fishs species, 2 continental shelf reef-associated fish species, 1 oceanic pelagic fish species by type of habitat. There were 15 warm temperate fish species, 6 warm water fish species, 2 cold temperate fish species by type of temperature. CLUSTER and MDS analysis indicated that the fish community were divided into 3 groups which were 6—9 group, 10,11 group and 4 group. According to the percentage composition of the appearance frequency of the food composition of each fish species, the Tianjin Coastal Waters fish community consists of 6 functional groups, including the zooplanktivores, generalist predators, omnivorew, shrimp/fish predators, piscivores and benthivores. The findings indicated that there are fewer fish species in Tianjin Coastal Waters, and they are mainly small fish species. The omnivorew, shrimp/fish predators and zooplanktivores are the main functional groups.
Key words:  Fish composition, Community structure, Functional group
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